I cringe at those embarassing memories. My saving Grace? I wasn't alone. But to this day, if a BSB(as I so affectionately refer to them as)comes on the radio i can't help but smile. It brings back to many memories. When I was growing up my summers were so simple, yet I dont remember a bad one. And every summer revolved around My best friends, country roads and whatever was playing on the radio.
Where I grew up was "typical" small town. My friends and I were usually at one of our homes, far outta town, laying on the floor listening to the radio. Stephanie's house had a basket ball hoop, so we'd play that till early early morning. We'd plan dances in our spare time and always follow through on them. Since we were a town that had three cities around it we could invite people from all around. Don't get me wrong, these weren't always the fanciest things. Usually we'd shove all the furniture to the walls, hang fairy lights and play music we taped off the radio. Perfect. Simple.
We'd walk down to an old deserted graveyard. It was hidden trail off the side of the road. We usually go at night time. Add a little excitement I guess? If there was a full moon, you could see pretty clear. We could talk in there for hours. Usually the only reason we wondered home was for food.
In Sussex, the town is also know for its annual Flea Market. Every August, over 900 vendors would set up on our baseball fields and you could wonder up and down the aisles for 3 days. I don't think I will ever forget the smell of deep fried french fries and kurt sausages.
Another summer time past time was going to the beach- namely, St. Martins. It wasn't till i moved to the prairies did i realize how great it is to have the ocean at your toes! 30 minutes and you were at the beach. We'd camp, literally, a 30 secound walk from the ocean. We'd have campfires ON THE OCEAN! Our days consisited of hikes, eating greco pizza, and listening to the radio.

Its funny, how when your doing your growing up, you don't realize what your flying past. Adults always tell you, enjoy this now. But never ever could you understand that you had everything you needed right in front of you. We were never rich, heck, we were pretty poor, but I had a lot of things lots of kids didn't.
So, I can't help but dream of the hot summer days I've had. Especially on -30 days. I am always looking in peoples driveways for basket ball hoops. I search the skies every now and then for a hot air balloon. I crave the smell of french fries and sausages being barbecued. I can't help but be intrigued when I see a sign for a flea market. And I think I'll always love the backstreet boys!
The bit about BSB, dances, taped music and summer nights sounds EXACTLY like my teenage years :)
ReplyDeleteawwww. BSB. My first CDs and first loves.... Seriously, you wrote my life.... except for the disordered eating, underage drinking parts....
ReplyDeleteLets pack our babies up in their carseats and drive to Sussex this summer, no?