Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Three deep breaths

Any time I have spent the day inside and I find myself outside for a brief moment, I always take 3 Huge Breaths. All the way in and all the way out.  If I spent the morning cleaning and am running the garbage out, I make sure I take 3 deep breaths.  A quick trip to the drugstore for more migraine pills?  3 deep breaths.  Just out to water the plants?  Yup, 3 deep breaths.

I do this almost without thinking.  Just yesterday, I caught myself doing it.  Whats behind it?..

In Grade 6 I had a very unique teacher, Mr. Couglan.  He never failed anybody, said he always believed we gave our very best, because, whatever we gave in that moment was our best.  (did you follow that?)  He was king at Simon says.  King.  And!  He taught my dad when he was a kid and loved me for it.  (too bad for him  wasn't even close to athletic like dad)

Anyhow, if we seemed to be half asleep, or not giving out best, he'd make us get up and go out side, no matter how cold it was, and take 3 deep breaths.  His reasoning?  We were in classrooms all day, breathing in nothing but stale air.  He thought it did us good, to get rid of the old air and bring in new.  Hence, the 3 deep breaths.

Was there any real substance to this?  I have no idea.  But for whatever reason, Its stuck with me all these years later.  I'll likely teach it to Grace too.  The way I look at it?  It cant hurt and It might help!

He was one of my favorite teachers.  I liked his hippy style.  And he liked me, so that helped.  I don't remember too much from his class and actual lesson plans, but I remember that. And I probably always will..

Friday, September 23, 2011

If memory serves me right...

Remember that great vacation I went on way back in February?  Sigh, I do.  The trip where I finally got a family picture in front of that castle.  Such a great moment for me.  I think about that vacation almost daily. 

Isn't the memory a truly great thing?  I swear, if i close my eyes, and really really try, I'm right back in that condo, by the pool.  Or waiting in line for my most favorite line.  Or Trying on yet another set of ears on baby Grace.

Through all the bad days we have had around here in the last year, I have found myself going right back to that trip, or (and yes I will admit to 2 great vacations within 6 months of each other) new Brunswick trip home.  Thank goodness for the happy memories, right?

I think it would be such a shame to let those memories go to waste.  You know, I admit, when 1 thing goes wrong in my life, I tend to think EVERYTHING is wrong.  And true, usually when it rains it pours.  But really?  There isnt ONE THING I can be greatful for? 

Yes, I've had a sick baby lots this year, shes had one surgery, and a list of friends that have fell apart in front of me- BUT- I've seen and done enough good things this year that can at least pull through another day.  It could be so easy for me- or you-  to feel bad for ourselves.. SO VERY BAD for ourselves.  And YES, I think you really are allowed to for a bit.  But Isn't there something your pretty grateful for?  And I mean truly grateful for?

I know we cant always have a vacation.  They cost money (shame really) We might not always be able to think of a fancy night out or a truly exotic experience, but what do you have?

Do you have a pet that has become your family, maybe waits for you to come home?  What about a baby that lights up when they see your face?  One REALLY great snap shot of ONE.SINGLE. MOMENT.  That was exactly perfect for you?

Its so tragic that we have to experience death in this world.  Sickness.  Betrayal.  Heartbreak.  But If memory serves you right, and I hope it does, you've got SOMETHING. 

Yes, Memories are a great thing.  They boil down to the moments that we will hold on to and they cover the ones we cant let go of.. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All things bright and Shiney

I can already tell you-  You read better books than me.  Every once and a while, I'll take Grace and I over to chapters and peruse the shelves.  I like to check out authors I love and see whats new.  But should there be nothing new or nothing that appeals to me, I start randomly, anywhere in chapters and pull out books that's titles catch my eye.  This is reason #1 I know you choose better books than me.  You can never find a good book based solely on its title--TRUST ME.

Secondly-  You know that old saying "don't judge a book by its cover?   I do.  I can't help it.  Its a sickness.  I am immediately attracted to bright color.  Bright pink?  yup.  Turquoisy Blue, all over that.  Yellow with Plaid letters- Sigh.  Cartoon cover, well, lets just say, your going in my cart. 

Its sad really.  Needless to say, I'm not reading books that are gonna change my life.  I mean, honestly, I can, and every once in a while, I do.  But I would really rather prefer a book that's funny.  Easy.  Comfortable.  And Its not to say you cant find something in those books that means something to me or that can stick with me for a life time.  But I'm not going to join a book club any time soon.  And there is only a small hand full of people I'd actually pass along my books to.  Books, to me, are like movies, Never recommend one-  you never know who you'll offend or who'll criticize. 

But yes, I do judge books by there cover- first and foremost.    And I can honestly say, in this life I really don't know much about anything, but I can tell you this-  You probably read better books than me..

"'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't read."
Mark Twain