Thursday, October 27, 2011

How much did you say that was...?

I've this idea for awhile now and I cant wait to try it.  I know, super lame, but I've had a bit of time on my hands to think this over....

Since Geoff is back to school (2nd year electrical) and we are waiting on EI, which seems like maybe it will never come, but I know, we must be patient..I have been trying really hard to save us money where I can.  My meal menu has cut my grocery bill down about $60 bucks a week.  And that was before I was even looking to save.  Now, Kaleb loves to peruse the dollar store, and I gotta say I don't mind.  But I have had alot of time to see whats on those shelves.  And that's when it occurred to me, a person could almost buy all their necessities here.

Ok, Ok I know what your thinking, but think about it.  Besides fresh produce and milk and  the like, everything is there.  A person on a budget and with a little imagination could really make their monies go along way.  Maybe.

I will say this, I recognize the need to experiment with the stuff thats there, seeing that quality may not be the best, but how many times have you heard someone say, "actually I just picked it up at the dollar store."  Now I cant say that this will be fool proof, but it warrants some looking into right?  And what better time to try.

There is a certain satisfaction in getting a deal.  So I think why not take advantage of what at our finger tips.  My plan is, at the beginning of a week(maybe not this one since my sister is down) to make my grocery list and see what shopping I can get done at the dollar store.  I realize I may have to adjust my list and maybe even my recipes, but its giving me something to do.  And look forward to. 

I'm also interested to see what else I can pick up for home that I Can put to good use at home...

What do you think?  Good Idea?  Bad Idea?  Just glad its me trying and not you?  Do you have tips on what you always always get at the dollar store?  Let me know!  And trust me, I'll let you know and keep you up-to-date on all my finds...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clam Diggers...

Its surprising that I haven't posted sooner.  Geoff is into week 2 of schooling at NAIT and I have been vehicle less for that time-- and up until he's finished.  Hence I find myself with free time on the week days, while I cram all my errands and shopping in on weekends.  But I'm surviving and from what I hear, its pretty cold out there anyhow. 

Which lead me to todays post.  As you know, I have been making a meal menu for a couple of months now, and I am loving it.  I rarely have repeats unless One of my recipes is too tasty to pass up..  I want to go on record now, saying, I don't think I'm anything close to a good cook, so I dont want that to come across as bragging.  Its simply just good recipes.

Anyhow, I'm gonna share one of my favorites and its perfect for this time of year.  New England Clam Chowder.  My particular recipe comes from Disney cook book- featured at the Cape May Cafe.  Being an easterner,   I've had my share of clam chowder.  And I've come to realize people somewhat expect you to be able to cook seafood- or at the very least be knowledgeable about it.  HAHA, my dear friends,  I know the difference between a crab and a lobster but anything other than that I'm lost.  Needless to say, the first time I tried this recipe, it felt like an adventure. Well the recipe was great and I thought I'd share it with you along with some tips I picked up from making it a couple times.

I always like to start my recipes by chopping and putting aside the veggies and what not.  I'm not a great chopper so I need extra time.  That might be handy for you too!  So any of the veggies I mention- pre-chop them.  I did.
(the candle being lit while chopping onions cuts down on the tears)
You start off by melting 1/2 cup of butter in a medium sauce pan.  Then you add 1/3 cups flour-  make sure you keep stirring, you dont want it to burn(it would definitely effect the flavour)  If it does burn-  you haven't ruined the recipe-  just start again. maybe have a little cry-- and start again.  Cook it for about 3 minutes(set your timer) and then set to the side and outta your way,  as you wont be needing it for the time being.

Next Take your largest pot (If you have a Dutch oven, use that.  I however dont, and my pot chowder turned out just fine).  Heat 2tbsp of oil in the pot, make sure its hot- BUT NOT SMOKING.  Add 1 onion, 3 stalks of celery (see why I pre-chopped)  Cook these just until they are softened, about 5 minutes.
Now add the clam broth.  The recipe calls for 2 cups.  My first try, I never had any clam broth, I used water.  It turned out great, but when you do use the broth it tastes more authentic.  But listen- if you dont got it-  it wont make or break this recipe.  Its more like an added bonus.  Then add about 3 cups of chopped potatoes.  Any potatoes would work.  Use what you like.  Then in goes the 2 cans(6oz) of clams.  They ask you to chop them.  I never have.  Reason?  Lazy.  However, I did learn people like that more.  It feels like your having a CLAM chowder rather than a potato chowder with some clam thrown in, if you know what I mean.  Be sure to add the clams with their liquid they come in too!

Next add your spices:  1tsp of thyme, 1/2tsp of basil, 1/2tsp salt, 1/4tsp of pepper.  Dont be afraid to add more of less of either of these.  I prefer to add more salt and pepper.  I skip on the thyme sometimes.  Next add in about 4 drops of Tabasco sauce.  Now I dont own that, but I do own franks hot sauce, that works too!  Dont have any?  Skip it.  Again, it wont make or break it!

Your gonna want to let this mix come to a simmer over medium high heat and then let it simmer 5 minutes(or however long it takes for your potatoes to cook)
Next add 2 cups of half and half and bring that to a boil.  Whipped cream works too.Even milk(just expect it to be a bit more runny).  At this point I usually the mix into my crock pot.  Only because I usually get it ready a while before Geoff gets home and I want to keep it hot with little maintenance.  Whether you do this or not, Next add the flour/ butter mixture you set aside and whisk it it.  Make sure you blend it well.  If you leave it on the stove let it sit on low and simmer about 10 minutes before you serve.

Know this recipe serves about 4.  But if it was just a first course kinda deal(if you do that sorta thing)  It could easily feed 8.

This meal would be delicious served with fresh biscuits, but I dont have a great recipe for that.  In the maritimes we love putting cheese on the table with almost any soup meal, at least my family did.  When I made this the last time, I made a Caesar salad with it.

Anyhow, thought maybe you could try it.  If you do, just let me know how it goes.. I'd be curious to know how it goes..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It might be you..

Why, oh , why are we so hard on ourselves?  Did we do something we feel we should be punished for for the rest of our lives?  Or is it being young enough to not know any better but old enough to compare?  Ugh.  WHY?

The other day, my sister and I were out shopping, we were doing a la senza run, which is enough to make the average girl feel, well, pretty inadequate.  Now lets throw having a baby body in there, and being and oh so awkward red head.  Now, Usually I can handle myself pretty ok in there.  Head down, search for floral and out, hopefully unscathed. 

I don't know if it was the combination of a sales lady that had no clue what I was saying, or at least, believe what I was saying(I wont get into it on the blog world, but ask me in person one day, its really quite funny now) or the fact that I hate myself(only half kidding at this point) but it was AWFUL.  I may never go back.  Well I will but not today.

I also think It had to do with the ultra skinny/chic girl that came in.  She had confidence ozzing out her perfectly manicured finger tips.  Her hair shined a glossy black you only see in magazines.   Not to mention was styled in the perfect mix of haphazardly messy pony tale and perfectly styled bangs.  She was dressed head to toe in black and had the perfect pale skin to match.  How come my pale, ok, almost albino, skin doesn't look like that in black.  And If I'm being honest, black is in over 85% of my wardrobe. 

I wanted to follow this girl home and see how she lived.  I wanted to know if where she puts herself together is as glamorous as she looked.  Truth be told, I wanted to find a flaw, so I could sleep better that night.  Isn't that awful?  blahhh, I'm disappointed in myself..

I really have to pull myself together before Gracie learns any of this from me.  Goodness knows ...

Its pretty funny right?  Pretty sad too?  Oh I agree.  I do know that there will be some who will know exactly were I'm coming from.  And If you don't, your blessed with a self confidence that I cant even begin to understand.  It also means you might be that girl i saw, or at least one just like her.  Which isn't bad,  but could you tone it down a bit. I'M KIDDING.

Well, sorta...