Its so sunny and warm. It feels like spring. Its Alberta where I live, so we will still have several more storms and a possible drop below 30 still, But TODAY? Well, Today Is Perfect.
On a day like today, when I feel good and the sun streams through my windows and my floors are semi-clean, I feel very content. For someone like me, contentment, has to be a daily persist. A constant battle. A series of unlikely events. ha. But On a day like this?! It feels so easy to be happy....
Have I ever told you how I met Geoff? Speaking Of series of unlikely events! Just kidding. I had lived in Alberta a little over a year. I was successfully doing absolutely less than nothing with my life. Well I was "having fun". But the fun I was having,
wasn't feeling like fun and wasn't(and never will be) anything I am proud of!

I had never met Geoff before, although our paths crossed(literally)and we never registered each other. Edmonton is not a big city, especially when your a Witness(or lamely trying to be one). His friends, were friends with my friends. One of my better friends, was one of his better friends even. I don't know how we didn't meet sooner, but in alot of ways, we weren't ready for sooner anyhow.
The weekend I met him, was Dec 24- Holidays. Last Minute, My friend Candice and I decided to drive up to
Jasper for the night, to visit our friend(who was also a guy I liked) . I remember asking Candice who he was there with and She told me, "Geoff". I didn't really care who he was there with, I liked this guy anyhow right? I know, it gets a bit weird, but stay with me..
I remember the second I
first saw Geoff, I don't know why It stands out like it does, but it just does. My first thought? Oh dear, a city cha chee boy.Haha. (Geoff I know you hate that I tell people that, but really, it all worked out in the end) I mean who really wears a toque and sunglasses indoors? Haha.(sorry again) So no, we didn't click right way.

But when we met up with them the next day, we ended up getting along really well. I thought he was actually one of the nicests guys, and pretty stinkin' hilarious too. And yes, he was still cha chee to me.
HE SAYS, that when he asked me for my number, I told him no, I just don't give it to anybody. Haha.
I don't remember it going exactly that way, but listen, he did get my number outta me eventually.
How did I make the transition over to liking that one guy over to Geoff? Looking back, it was really pretty easy. For the main reasons first- We had similar interests, we laughed easy, and so on. But even better, he cared about real things in life too. He went to all the meetings, service and talked about Jehovah. We were both no examples, and in no way really ready for a relationship, but we were pretty NOT worried about that. And we both knew we had to be doing more. We always said, "we have such
good intentions".
The Family I was living with at the time(I told you about them once, remember?) Well, the Father told me, when he was dropping me off to meet Geoff said"It doesn't matter what you have in common now, or whats cool now, or that you both like WHATEVER. All that matters is that you both Love Jehovah. Then you have something to work with when it gets hard." That made my decision to be with Geoff so much more easy!

Isn't funny, when you first start dating someone, How everything just seems soooo good. It makes it feel
like a day like today feels. But It can be pouring rain-ruin your plans, ruin your face and its ok, you'll eat in and
he still thinks your cute. Or you couldn't wait to get off work to see them? Or your heart skips when you see there name on your phone? Or you'd try to wait till they were distracted to catch a good look at them? (wait, is that only me?) I also think that, because things start off sooo good in the beginning, when people have problems once there married, they panic. Some marriages are over b
efore they really get to start. Just because Its work, maybe some people think its not working. I don't know about you, but i don't trust anything that seems too easy!

I'd hate for you to think, that I have a easy marriage. Haha. Anyone who knows us, I mean really knows us, can say that we are both babies in our families and tend to
act like it. We fight over cheese(that's a good story, but for another day) We argue over kitty litter. And I'm pretty sure hes wants me to change the way i sleep(which, Geoff, is impossible, I'm asleep, get used to no covers for your feet) But Like I said, on a day like today, All is good.
So there you have it. Its no fairy tale. but I think its a pretty good story. We had a bunch of r
eally great moments, that i like to think about every now and then. Especially,
On a day exactly like this...
aw. i love it.
ReplyDeleteCute post. I like the part about having love for Jehovah in common, especially when it gets hard. Good advice!