Thursday, March 24, 2011

baby you'll be famous, chase ya down until ya love me..

Geoff and I have been known to argue over music.  He thinks music should be on all the time.  I think, if I'm in the car visiting with him, I want it off or at the very least turned down low.  He'll get ready and have to have music on.  He thinks to compromise, he'll let me pick a song.  And for the most part this works.  Except on the days when it doesn't.  But this doesn't mean I don't like music.(generally speaking, it means I don't like his choice, hah)

But what he doesn't know, what YOU don't know, when I'm driving alone, I'm a little bit of a star, in my own rights.  I sing like I mean it.  And I ENJOY it.  When I have a Doctor appointment and Grace is being watched, I leave a little early, Pick up a Starbucks and turn up my radio. Driving to and from work, watch out GaGa, you gotta little competition tonight!

I do seem to like the Gaga, Or Pink, but a little bare-naked ladies can make my day(the band not, well, you know...).   Do I know all the words?  Of course not.  Do I make up my own?  You know I do.  Would I win a Grammy? Nope, Not even a Juno.  But In my car I do.

The best driving and singing mode is a warm summer day around 6.  Or Early morning, when the sun Is shining, around 9.  I really excel.    But the sun doesn't have to be out, it doesn't have to be the right time of day, but what it has to be?  The right song, for that moment, anyhow.

Today, I'm headed to Medicine Hat with Ginny and Baby.  From here, its a 5 and a half hour drive.  And I can't be  talking the whole time.  Hopefully the radio is playing something I like.  And I just might let them sing back up.


  1. Awesome post. That is totally ME, 100%! Haha and I especially love singing along to guilty pleasures!

  2. i'm so jealous. seriously i want to come to medicine hat next time you go. my sister still lives there, too you know??!!!!!

  3. Singing is a feel good endorphine! Your not alone Katie! I'll back up sing for you anyday!
