My whole life I lived about 10 minutes out in the country on a whindey road, called Knightville. Looking at that name it almost sounds, um, storybook like, doesn't? I'll tell you it felt far from story book like. Not that I had a horrible life. Far from it actually. Nice home, 2 parents, smart sister, Great pets, Good neighbours. But to my horrible disgust, It took 10 WHOLE minutes to get to the nearest store (or when

Well my teen years took a few unexpected turns and before I knew it I was on my way "out west" With a fairly broken heart(admittedly I did the breaking, but if only I had been a tiny bit smarter...) My Bff since I was in diapers, were on our way to Edmonton Alberta.
We loaded down her old Cavalier with all our clothes a few lamps, and coffee table. We had another girl follow along in her car as well. To make a long story short as possible- 3 girls, 2 break downs, one stop with friends, 1 stop to fix a car and 8 days later we were THERE. In one piece. But just Barely. Somewhere along the way I had become homeless... Long story.
I always say now, If I had know how hard it is to live 5000 km away from people you love and places you love, I could never of sat in that car and buckled up. I am so glad I was

So here I am, with sky scrapers in my rear view mirror, almost 9 years later. I have a mall less than 2 minutes away and a tim hortons even closer. I have lived downtown Edmonton, an hour outta Edmonton, 2 hours outta Edmonton and than, finally close enough to see Edmonton in my mirror daily. Convenience.
But sometimes, If the timing is right, its quiet enough, I'm sad enough, happy enough, or just plain ol' home sick, I can see Knightville road... Or the hill that over looks the lights of my home town. I can see Main street looking just like a post card. I can be on the blocks in the high school. Or lying in my old bed listening to my mom tinker in the kitchen. When suddenly, there's Edmonton skyline in my rear veiw, and I have no Idea how I could of gotte

How do 2 different places become your home? How can I feel so homesick for one place and be sooooo at home in another?
Well no time to think of that now, I think I'll treat me and my baby to a tim bit... Wanna meet us there? It'll only take me a minute....
I'm so thankful for your blog! I quit facebook. Not sure for how long. Maybe I just need a break. Its really weird... I've always wanted to be a 'stay at home mom', and then now that I have the opportunity, I keep looking for things/work/whatever to validate something.... I don't really know. I found some blogs today like this http://www.mommysavers.com/stay-at-home-moms/single-income-family-virtues.shtml and I just feel refreshed. happy. satisfied. content. blessed to be able to stay at home.... ya know? ok. ummm... email me. i hope you have my email address. otherwise, I have an itty bitty facebook account for checking my "splash swim school" page.... " Instructor Angela" look me up.
ReplyDeleteI know Exactly what you mean!... geoffandkatie@hotmail.com.. can you e me your cell number too? We could text!