Almost 10 years later, not much has changed. Although, sometimes at night I do patter around the house, maybe writing letters or whatnot. But the night still drags on from 11pm until 5:30(ish) Can I just say how lonely it gets!? Sometimes I'm tempted to shake Geoff awake just so I have company. Sometimes I do try to wake him and he SLEEPS through the whole thing. Can I just say, My husbands biggest fear is not getting enough sleep. But when his face hits the pillow, in under 5 minutes hes soundly asleep? This is aggravating to my very core. How can he sleep knowing I'm still awake? Why isnt he as heart broken as I am that I'm still wide awake?
I have developed games and thoughts that I ues to help pass time in the night. Maybe these could work for some of my fellow insomniacs or for the person with to much caffenine running through there veins:
My all time favorite, Rearranging my home. Over and over. Right down to last detail. SOmetimes I redecorate. Sometimes i go big, sometimes I do it with things I already have in my house. Once after a night of not sleeping, I woke and started painting my bathroom. Looking back, not the best Idea I ever had. I was running on no sleep and not nearly enough caffine, o

My other one is (and No I dont recommend this one if your hoping to get to sleep) I run through characters from TV shows and try to remember there names- First and last. Sigh.
I think this is why my happy place is my bed. On a long hard day, I think of my bed. When I am forced to get up early, I think, Its ok, In a few hours I'll be back here. I am also a firm believer in having sheets you love! My Personal Favorite, Florals, with a crisp white duvet, or the opposite. I'm not too picky.
Bad day? Bad friend? Missing someone? Its ok. Only a few more hours and you can crawl under the covers and run for cover.
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