There are really only a few things people need in life. True there are the basics such as food water clothes and shelter. But there are those things in life that just make the day to day better! I believe Oprah calls them her favoroite things. I suppose you wont believe me if I tell you I never watch her? Ha.. I seriously dont, but I do catch the occasional glimpse, as well I have great story that invloves Geoff, a box set of Oprahs 20th anniversary and a surprise gift. But thats another story all together;)
Lets start with my first Favorite, and yes, the Inspiration to this whole blog:
Dove deodorant; Baby powder Scent. I have been using this EXACT kind for over 5 years. I love it! IT smells like a dream to me. Over board? perhaps... And FYI, I have been using the scent Baby powder since the beginning of time.
Pretty Pretty Perfume bottles. First, Is there anything like a spritz of a fantastic smelling perfume to make you feel That much Better? Second, I could care less what the scent is, but if that bottle makes ME feel fancy... SOLD. You had me at shiny! Pictured here Is Fantasy, Britney spears, juicy couture, miss dior, and Nina Ricci ...Can we not judge me for the britney spears perfume? It really does smell delicious.
Sigh, Glossy Magazines. For me? Decorating Mags... Country cottage baby. Shabby chic? Yes please. What on earth makes magazines smell so good. And why do they feel so nice in your hands? You can never have to many. And as far as country living magazines and the like, they never go outta style, Read, Never ever throw them away. Pass them along maybe, but they are never trash!
Not a great picture, I admit(hey I'm no photographer) So I wont make you guess.. My next Favorite Is: Fluffy Feather pillows. I feel so bad for those among us with allergies. My face cant wait to hit the pillow at night. Just knowing that pillow is there to greet me, makes me want to crawl up into bed right now. Sigh. If your looking for good affordable Feather pillows go to Quilts extra. I believe 2 for $25...
This favorite sorta goes hand in hand with the last favorite. My cats. Geoff and I both say our house didnt become a home till we got a pet. We have the 2 cats and we love them. This particular one is My cat. Stewie. Every night he climbs over Geoff's face to get to my pillow, where he proceeds to purr and nuzzle my hair. Op, I just passed over to crazy in your books, didnt I? Haha. I know its true, but c'mon. Look at that face. However he's currently On a diet so hes up all night crying. But he weigh
Then there Is Tea(Or Coffee)... and Hot chocolate. I Just love drinking from a big ol' mug or tiny little tea cup. Lame? Maybe, But I can live with that. And I think you ca too. My favorite drink for a treat? Boil water, Throw in a bag of chai tea and let its sit for a couple minutes. Thna remove the tea bag and stir in Hot chocolate. Enjoying it with a good friend makes it even better!
Ok last But Not least (definately not least) is a cleaning product. Norwexes mattress cleaner. I recently started selling Norwex Because I LOVE IT! And I started mostly be cause of Mattress cleaner. How it works its you remove your sheets on your bed and spray a light mist over your entire mattress. It than, over the next few hours eats all the "organic matter" from your mattress, by either turning it into water or air. So imagine you have had your mattress 5 years. all the dust mites in your mattress.... well, poop. this Product, gets rid of it. Your mattress actually loses weight, ie, poop... anyhow... Not only do i spray it on my mattress, but also pillows, couches, rugs and so on, why? It actually helps my friends who have allergies to my cats. No lie. Hello Norwex you had me at "organic matter"!.. If you want some, I can help you out in that area. haha (shameless plug? Yes. but do I really love it? It change my world)
Ok, Well thats that... What are your favorite things? Am I missing out? Let me know...
"Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things"
come style my house. please?