I remember being paralyzed out of sheer terror when harry's face comes over the windshield. GASP! My Dad literally had to pick me off the couch (and the large, tan, pillow i had a death grip on!) and calm me down. I was young, yes, but I remember it clearly! It bothered me enough that when placed upon a statue of a gorilla I bawled (if i ever locate the pic, i will post it) My family thought this was amusing! Ha ha, I slept with mom and dad until i felt i was to old and then I bunked in with my sister(I don't know why I felt that was any different)
It wasn't until years later that the infamous movie was actually, wait for it, a comedy? A COMEDY, are you stinkin' kid
ding me? I fail to see the humor. That movie took the woods away from me. (and a little part of my youth) The worst? Dad used to to have naps with me and Belinda and he would tell us stories--about big foot. He would tell us he was under the bed ready to grab us if we got off! I would scream until mom would pick me off the bed and take me to the kitchen with her. oi! C'mon!
It gets better too. To break me of sneaking down the hall way at night to sleep with mom and dad when i was scared, dad would tell me that Bigfoot, or as some affectionately call him, harry, would be sleeping in front of there doorway. WHAT? He can get in our house?? Did it fix the problem? Nope, at night i would bolt down the hall, take a BIG step and fly into mom and dads bed. Phew, SAFE again.
Well, a friend, Ginny, bought me the movie a few months back. I am able to watch it and not stop breathing. And i can sleep with out Harry visiting my dreams. But, I will never like being alone in the woods. However, you just might catch my eyes wondering into the forests, just looking...
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