Monday, August 14, 2017

Best Pancakes Ever!...

It's funny, you know, this world.  Yesterday I needed to google a pancake recipe. So I input "best pancake recipe".  This first one that came up was labelled "best pancake recipe ever". Well, move over Paula Dean, I'm making pancakes.

I glanced at the recipe to see what made it the best. 2 different types of sugar? In my very limited modest abilities that can barely be called cooking, I thought, "yup, this is the one!" TWO SUGARS, GUYS!!

So I whipped that up with Anna screaming/crawling around my legs. No worries. It's gonna be worth it, it is the best ever, after all! Well once I figured the recipe made them too runny and burner was up too high and I should of waited a little before flipping it(although it made for some interesting looking pancakes)we had 5 BEST EVER pancakes, hot and ready to go.

Well let me tell you, they were nothing to write home about. They were very standard and maybe a teensy bit burnt. Two sugars? Pfft. No difference. They just didn't live up to their label. It was kinda disappointing, given what I was expecting.. But we ate them, and even had 2 leftover for my middle of the night snack. Fuel, so I could write this. And I actually think they were better this early morning. Especially with the right toppings!

I just really feel there is a lesson in here somewhere.  Often in life we have these dreams and they are often quite "promising".  you look close at them and they seem to have all the "ingredients" to make a perfect life.  Even enough variety to be unique. Your own kinda special. You don't for see all that could go wrong or all the distractions along the way that make it tricky. You get busy dreaming, you forget you might have to dial back the" temperature" abit, because too many things can burn you out.

But, you guys, that's not to say you can't have "the best life ever".  Your not hooped before you even start. Everything we do, with the right attitude is a good story- even what might seem mediocre. Really hard, horribly gone a rye, "misshaped" obstacles, can can make for a funny/fun life.  And you never know when, in the middle of the night or in a dark time, something you made/dreamed/planned, gets you through, fuels you, if you will, to the next day.

Or maybe the lesson is, don't google "best pancakes" and expect that to be what you get, haha...

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