Dear Sparky,
I don't know if Its because I'm not feeling well, Or ifs I'm just feeling very nostalgic, or maybe its because I'm sick I'm feeling nostalgic, But I needed to write to you. You always remain a constant in my life and I'm holding on to you like a life line, if that's ok with you.
You've had a tough go of it these last few months hey. Why can life be such a roller coaster ride. It really doesn't seem fair, does it? Its like you wait in line for hours for this great adventure and as your finally going up that first hill you realize its not what you wanted. You start worrying about safety inspections and you why you waited so long for this. You wonder why you ate that huge Denny's breakfast and if your strong enough to keep it in it's place...
I have been there, Tousin. I'm still there, Tousin.
You know what the best thing about taking that ride? You always get off excited that you did it. Happy your feet are back on solid ground. Proud that you were so brave. And wondering what the next ride is going to be. We are a strange breed, aren't we?
The thing I like about amusement parks is all the memories of past experiences. With the smell of candy apples or glimpses of snow cones, I remember happy times. All the anticipation of whats to come. If I hear the music that floats through the air, I can remember being with certain people and making some great memories. I've said it before, in life, if the right song plays, the right smell drifts by or whatever, your right back to memory, like it was yesterday. Tousin, I know that it can be a bad thing. But it can be so good to!
The thing about amusement parks and the rides and the food? Its expensive. It can make you nervous. It can make you laugh. It can make you regretful. And it can make happy. And it can make you sick. But with the right people, the right cheese cake on a stick and the right amount of bravery, you come away pretty content. You can trust me on that.
Anyway cousin, I've either said to much, or not enough, but I said it to you. Do with it what you will. And we'll talk soon.
Love you,
Ps-Whipped Cream Recipe as follows:
2 cups of Whipping Cream
1/4 sugar
“Simplicity of life, even the barest, is not a misery, but the very foundation of refinement; a sanded floor and whitewashed walls ...” -William Morris
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Kitty Kat Klubs...
I was thinking yesterday about all the Best friends I have/had through-out the years. I had never noticed before but every one of them was so different. I was wondering if there was something to that. Do you think?
My best Friend growing up and I think will be my all time BFF(lol, I'm 14) was Stephanie. I'm not sure we had a choice in being friends to tell ya the truth. When I was born she lived the next door over, literally. I think that's my favorite thing about her. We were only neighbours for a short while, but that's what started it, I suppose. That and our mothers were and still are best friends.
But with Stephanie, she's all I ever knew. I've had good friends come and go, even boyfriends I thought would be there forever. But she made up the first 18 years of my life. We were exactly opposite in lots of ways. She was shy. I was not. She could say more in three words than I could in a bag full of mumbles. But we made the best times together. In fact I had some of my very best laughs with her. She knew ALL of my secrets.
Know what the best thing is? Our Kids could be switched and they'd look like they belonged in our families. How great is that? It's like I have a baby Stephanie with me where ever I go. So creepy right? Did you know that my very beautiful baby's middle name comes, in part, from her? True story.
We've had many friendship clubs. Many Inside jokes, Hey, we even made up a song about fire. They say our friends we make as kids aren't the ones that last. Usually its the ones that we make as adults. That might be true for you. I don't know. But I do know this: For me its always been the friends I've had since diapers. Its always the ones who's parents consider you there own kids. And it will always be Stephie...
My best Friend growing up and I think will be my all time BFF(lol, I'm 14) was Stephanie. I'm not sure we had a choice in being friends to tell ya the truth. When I was born she lived the next door over, literally. I think that's my favorite thing about her. We were only neighbours for a short while, but that's what started it, I suppose. That and our mothers were and still are best friends.
But with Stephanie, she's all I ever knew. I've had good friends come and go, even boyfriends I thought would be there forever. But she made up the first 18 years of my life. We were exactly opposite in lots of ways. She was shy. I was not. She could say more in three words than I could in a bag full of mumbles. But we made the best times together. In fact I had some of my very best laughs with her. She knew ALL of my secrets.
Know what the best thing is? Our Kids could be switched and they'd look like they belonged in our families. How great is that? It's like I have a baby Stephanie with me where ever I go. So creepy right? Did you know that my very beautiful baby's middle name comes, in part, from her? True story.
We've had many friendship clubs. Many Inside jokes, Hey, we even made up a song about fire. They say our friends we make as kids aren't the ones that last. Usually its the ones that we make as adults. That might be true for you. I don't know. But I do know this: For me its always been the friends I've had since diapers. Its always the ones who's parents consider you there own kids. And it will always be Stephie...
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Dollar Days are Through
Well I think its time I put the dollar store experiment to rest. The last of my Hunt consisted of personal products. And I have been using them for the last couple weeks. And you might be surprised to find, I found one that's a keeper!
Now as for the razors--Yikes.. It was like playing Russian roulette every time I took a stroke, even with the shave cream. The shave cream, if you normally use it, was good i thought. But the razor I usually use has the gel around the blades. I think your money is better spent on a pricey razor, rather than saving 10$.
Now, the lip gloss I bought was ok. Pretty run of the mill. I wouldn't write home about it, but it was ok. The blush-- pretty good actually. For everyday use- I'd wear it. Why not. The price was right. HOWEVER- The mascara.. If you ever take anything I say seriously, its this. Worked like a dream. It separated nicely and made them look thick. I have used so many different brands, from drug store to department. It was so great. Loved it. Seriously, try it. Then let me know...
Now the thing I got the most flack for? Shampoo. I bought one that said it had a Moroccan oil it. Now, weather it really did or not, I'll never know. My hair felt clean. Geoff said it stunk. I liked the smell personally(not really sure what that says about me, to tell ya the truth). But I wouldn't waste my monies on it again. The ridicule alone was too much. Haha. And my hair is it "tatty"(Props to Ginny) enough to put something that may work against me in that nest. Don't worry friends. I will not be buying my hair care there!
Anyways, IN SUMMARY, The dollar has some good stuff. It can be a scavenger hunt to find. And what there one week can be gone the next. But the potential to save your family money is there. Check there first. If your broke but need another option, go there next.
And that's enough about that...
Ok, Where do I even start...I guess I really don't need to drag this out so I'll do this as easy and quickly as possible. Nail polish remover, works like normal. I hated the eye liner, which is funny because it was an actual brand name. The q-tip/cotton ball package.. pretty awful.. The q tips bend if you look at them funny. And the container was broke--I should of looked closer when I bought it, but I'm not that heart broken. I mostly though this would be nice to have on my makeup table... oh well..Now as for the razors--Yikes.. It was like playing Russian roulette every time I took a stroke, even with the shave cream. The shave cream, if you normally use it, was good i thought. But the razor I usually use has the gel around the blades. I think your money is better spent on a pricey razor, rather than saving 10$.
Now, the lip gloss I bought was ok. Pretty run of the mill. I wouldn't write home about it, but it was ok. The blush-- pretty good actually. For everyday use- I'd wear it. Why not. The price was right. HOWEVER- The mascara.. If you ever take anything I say seriously, its this. Worked like a dream. It separated nicely and made them look thick. I have used so many different brands, from drug store to department. It was so great. Loved it. Seriously, try it. Then let me know...
Now the thing I got the most flack for? Shampoo. I bought one that said it had a Moroccan oil it. Now, weather it really did or not, I'll never know. My hair felt clean. Geoff said it stunk. I liked the smell personally(not really sure what that says about me, to tell ya the truth). But I wouldn't waste my monies on it again. The ridicule alone was too much. Haha. And my hair is it "tatty"(Props to Ginny) enough to put something that may work against me in that nest. Don't worry friends. I will not be buying my hair care there!
Anyways, IN SUMMARY, The dollar has some good stuff. It can be a scavenger hunt to find. And what there one week can be gone the next. But the potential to save your family money is there. Check there first. If your broke but need another option, go there next.
And that's enough about that...
Friday, November 18, 2011
The icing on the cake
Last Night, I was finally able to get to my second trip to the dollar store. This week has been snowy and cold, and I still have no car. So Grace and I headed out last night and grabbed a few more "deals". I could barely wait until the morning so I could start on my new stuff.
![]() |
I couldn't turn this around, sorry! |
So this morning, I tried to Gracie pumped up about doing a little baking. But she either didn't under stand, or really wasn't into it...
I thought maybe after I got the cupcakes all baked she'd be into the sprinkles part, but no, that movie was really, REALLY good!
SO I had no help on my Dollar store baking adventure, but she was all for eating one, of course. That's the way it always goes. She comes by it honestly, I was never one to be found in the kitchen, unless i was really, REALLY bored...
Anyhow, Lets do a tally of how much they cost me.... Cake mix, Betty crocker, $1.50, Icing, $1.50(dollar store brand), Maraschino cherries, $1.25, Sprinkles(already had em)... Looking like a mom who knows her way around a kitchen and loves her family, just that much? Priceless...
I bet your wondering how they turned out? I would be.. Actually, they aren't bad.. The cake mix is great, but I knew It would be, The icing, isn't top notch, but in a pinch, It would definitely do the trick.. And the cherries, eatable, not my favorite, but they suited this job perfectly!
All and all? Still pretty pleased with the dollar trip...
And although, shes not the greatest helper, she looks good enough to eat, Just like my cupcakes!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Adventures in dollar stores
How was every ones long weekend? Did you get to relax? Catch up?
I took the opportunity to head to dollar store for the start of my "project" that I told you about earlier..(see see what I'm talking about click here) This was there first of many visits this week. and I gotta say, I had a pretty good time.. I cant say Geoff did toting around Grace but I feel the trip was pretty successful..
Here's a good look at what my first visit finds were...
So I'm guessing at first glance it doesn't look like much, am I right? But really, I came home with some pretty fantastic things and some very practical things. But I think the most exciting things to try are going to be the things I would never dream of trying from the dollar store-- LIKE maraschino cherries... Or pizza crust...
The crust could be dry and awful, and the cherries could taste like feet. But How will we know if we never ever try. They were a buck or so each. If they work, I saved my family about $5, If they are gross, we're out $2.
And I feel the need to tell you, the dollar store isn't just about compromising on brands, or even looks. I found Heinz relish is a squeeze bottle for $1.50. What? So cheap. I felt like I was in on a little secret. I found fleecy(the brand) fabric softer. $2 for 25 loads. I don't use alot of fabric softener because alot of my cleaning clothes cant be washed with softener. So this small bottle for $2, was perfect for my laundry room!
And as far as looks go, I threw out my old broom and dust pan for this beauty...
That's right.. All together this broom cost me $4. I got to mix and match the base, the handle and the pan. I like this broom. I might be moved to sweep a little more often, I know Gracie seems to like it!
You'll notice in one of the pictures I bought a couple of small baskets. I'm making use of them in my laundry room, storing bottles of cleaners and cleaning cloths. They look pretty cute and keep my like stuff together and organized. I also picked up this jar...
I keep my dishwasher blocks in it. Its nice having them handy and its pretty good to look at too.
But... What I really really loved. What I felt made this whole endeavor worth it? Sigh.. these...
Cup cake liners. Maybe its hard for you to see in this picture, but they have little roses on them. They had lots of different styles but these ones came home to live with me. I can hardly wait to make some cupcakes with them. Hey! i could put maraschino cherries on the top!! MMMMM!
So, This was only trip 1. I have a few more trips lined up. Another for Make-up and personal products, and maybe another for more food type items. I also should tell you the other things I bought that werent mentioned(but you may have been able to see in the pictures): Pencils and erasers. Compostable bags. Dijon. Canned Tomatos. Paint cup. Cotton balls and Garlic spice. Not to mention a kindered surpise and a box of smarties.
All my purchases that day cams to $33 and change. Seriously. Compared to other stores, a rough calculation, I saved, about $27 dollars. And this was all things I needed or was gonna soon need. I saved almost what I spent. I'm thinking in my next trips, combined with this one, I wont spend over $60.
And just you wait to see what the next trips bring...
I took the opportunity to head to dollar store for the start of my "project" that I told you about earlier..(see see what I'm talking about click here) This was there first of many visits this week. and I gotta say, I had a pretty good time.. I cant say Geoff did toting around Grace but I feel the trip was pretty successful..
Here's a good look at what my first visit finds were...
So I'm guessing at first glance it doesn't look like much, am I right? But really, I came home with some pretty fantastic things and some very practical things. But I think the most exciting things to try are going to be the things I would never dream of trying from the dollar store-- LIKE maraschino cherries... Or pizza crust...
And I feel the need to tell you, the dollar store isn't just about compromising on brands, or even looks. I found Heinz relish is a squeeze bottle for $1.50. What? So cheap. I felt like I was in on a little secret. I found fleecy(the brand) fabric softer. $2 for 25 loads. I don't use alot of fabric softener because alot of my cleaning clothes cant be washed with softener. So this small bottle for $2, was perfect for my laundry room!
And as far as looks go, I threw out my old broom and dust pan for this beauty...
That's right.. All together this broom cost me $4. I got to mix and match the base, the handle and the pan. I like this broom. I might be moved to sweep a little more often, I know Gracie seems to like it!
You'll notice in one of the pictures I bought a couple of small baskets. I'm making use of them in my laundry room, storing bottles of cleaners and cleaning cloths. They look pretty cute and keep my like stuff together and organized. I also picked up this jar...
I keep my dishwasher blocks in it. Its nice having them handy and its pretty good to look at too.
But... What I really really loved. What I felt made this whole endeavor worth it? Sigh.. these...
Cup cake liners. Maybe its hard for you to see in this picture, but they have little roses on them. They had lots of different styles but these ones came home to live with me. I can hardly wait to make some cupcakes with them. Hey! i could put maraschino cherries on the top!! MMMMM!
So, This was only trip 1. I have a few more trips lined up. Another for Make-up and personal products, and maybe another for more food type items. I also should tell you the other things I bought that werent mentioned(but you may have been able to see in the pictures): Pencils and erasers. Compostable bags. Dijon. Canned Tomatos. Paint cup. Cotton balls and Garlic spice. Not to mention a kindered surpise and a box of smarties.
All my purchases that day cams to $33 and change. Seriously. Compared to other stores, a rough calculation, I saved, about $27 dollars. And this was all things I needed or was gonna soon need. I saved almost what I spent. I'm thinking in my next trips, combined with this one, I wont spend over $60.
And just you wait to see what the next trips bring...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Keep reminding me...
Well, Geoff is half way through his schooling. YAY! But still no EI Cheque. Of course. And Grace is potty training. Really potty training. Although I think I am the worse potty trainer. Mostly cause I have no clue what I'm doing. And none of the "tricks" all my mommy friends passed along seem to be working for Gracie. I will say say this, she seems to love being naked. She has totally broke my, "no naked on my couch rule"! Its a real rule in my house. But right now, I'm letting her away with it. Its desperation, my friends. So these last couple weeks, I've done little of what I want/need to get done and alot of running to potties. So far, shes peed on my floor more times than I can keep track and today... she poopped, for the the first time in 2 days i might add, one my floor. If ever I needed a pick me up, it was right then.
Theres so much frustration packed into potty training. Its a fine line between wanting to scream and wanting to hug her because shes still my baby, and is super proud of what she does accomplish. "Goo gorl", (good girl) something Grace says to me every time she sits on the potty.. And she IS a good girl. So I'm glad she keeps reminding me.
Another thing I have been attempting to do, is hang pictures, well re-hang pictures, as the case may be. My sister recently talked me into buying a big pic for my wall and somehow the land slided into rearranging all my pictures. Anyway I thought I'd get your input.. What you think of this picture... Me or No?
And to add to my chaos, I've been trying to quit biting my nails. I bought the bitter tasting nail polish, and I'm almost 1 week in and doing pretty ok. I hate the taste that always seems to be in my mouth, but it serves as a good reminder, i s'pose.
I guess Grace and I are both training...
Theres so much frustration packed into potty training. Its a fine line between wanting to scream and wanting to hug her because shes still my baby, and is super proud of what she does accomplish. "Goo gorl", (good girl) something Grace says to me every time she sits on the potty.. And she IS a good girl. So I'm glad she keeps reminding me.
Another thing I have been attempting to do, is hang pictures, well re-hang pictures, as the case may be. My sister recently talked me into buying a big pic for my wall and somehow the land slided into rearranging all my pictures. Anyway I thought I'd get your input.. What you think of this picture... Me or No?
And to add to my chaos, I've been trying to quit biting my nails. I bought the bitter tasting nail polish, and I'm almost 1 week in and doing pretty ok. I hate the taste that always seems to be in my mouth, but it serves as a good reminder, i s'pose.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The never ending projects
A while back back I said I'd post pictures of Graces room when I got it together.(Way back when I reminded you) Well as together as we get around here. The past few months I have been getting her room organized and figuring out what I needed to best utilize the small space we have to work with. We also got her new bed, new night stand and new toy box. I thought I'd let you know what all we had to do to make it work.
We ordered the bed first. That was back in April or may. We ordered it through quilts extra. Its a White(of course) wrought Iron bed. It took about 8 weeks to arrive but it was worth the wait. I have not one regret with this bed. I'm in love with it. We decided on a double bed, mainly because it would suit guests, but also I like the idea of Gracie having this bed for years and years to come.
So Gracies bed is a double. I have learned if you want a bed spread to cover your mattress entirely buy a size up.. But as it happened, I had a Queen duvet just sitting in my closet. All I needed was a duvet cover. I friend and I were at Ikea, when she spotted that white duvet in the as is bin! Thankfully, too, since I had a $90+ in my cart and this one rang in at $20! Deal. I also picked up yellow floral sheets at homesense for $30. Pretty cute for a little girls room, to bad you cant see them here. The latest addition to her bed, was a blanket I picked up on a recent therapy session to Homesense. $36. And yes, I'm in love.
Next, you may remember, but discovery of the Strathcona antique mall. Which is was where I found the perfect night stand for Gracies room, an antique wash stand. The best thing about it, was the near perfect condition it was in. The other? It was cream. Love at first sight is real, I have the first hand experience.
The last thing I tackled was the closet. I Did spend a bit of money on storage bins. If you don't think its worth it, you'd be wrong. Haha. Just kidding. But they really help me keep things handy and organized. I bought 4 decorative ones from wall mart($10 ea.) They are home to receiving blankets, clothes that are still too big or the like. I bought under the bed storage bins to keep her old baby clothes that I couldn't yet part with. I also had my father in law build a shelve right about her hanging stuff(bad English but, why cant I think of the proper name, lol) That shelf is great for blankets, taller foot wear or sometimes her stuffies that need a place to be seen but not always played with. Teh shelf is the newest thing in her room and I am so happy with it!
On a good day, I like our closets to be somewhat "good-looking" too. I dont know why. But I get great happiness when I open up the doors and it looks like a display. Maybe its because its sucha rarity in my life. haha.
You might of noticed that Graces toy box was tucked away into her closet. Well, 1) her room is only so big. 2) the toys that sleep in there are the ones she doesn't use so often. I bought the bins on top(homesense, $10 ea) to store the toys and things she plays with the most. It makes for easy clean up at naptime or bed time. I know a lovely lady that tackles old things that need some love, and gives them a fresh coat of paint, still leaving behind what we loved aboutthe piece. Thats art to me! Check her out Here .
Anyhow, that's that. The only things That didn't get covered: her pictures on her wall and her new whitewashed flooring. The pictures on the wall? I need serious help, any help I'd take. And as for the flooring, why, oh why, didn't we do that sooner?
We ordered the bed first. That was back in April or may. We ordered it through quilts extra. Its a White(of course) wrought Iron bed. It took about 8 weeks to arrive but it was worth the wait. I have not one regret with this bed. I'm in love with it. We decided on a double bed, mainly because it would suit guests, but also I like the idea of Gracie having this bed for years and years to come.
So Gracies bed is a double. I have learned if you want a bed spread to cover your mattress entirely buy a size up.. But as it happened, I had a Queen duvet just sitting in my closet. All I needed was a duvet cover. I friend and I were at Ikea, when she spotted that white duvet in the as is bin! Thankfully, too, since I had a $90+ in my cart and this one rang in at $20! Deal. I also picked up yellow floral sheets at homesense for $30. Pretty cute for a little girls room, to bad you cant see them here. The latest addition to her bed, was a blanket I picked up on a recent therapy session to Homesense. $36. And yes, I'm in love.
Next, you may remember, but discovery of the Strathcona antique mall. Which is was where I found the perfect night stand for Gracies room, an antique wash stand. The best thing about it, was the near perfect condition it was in. The other? It was cream. Love at first sight is real, I have the first hand experience.
The last thing I tackled was the closet. I Did spend a bit of money on storage bins. If you don't think its worth it, you'd be wrong. Haha. Just kidding. But they really help me keep things handy and organized. I bought 4 decorative ones from wall mart($10 ea.) They are home to receiving blankets, clothes that are still too big or the like. I bought under the bed storage bins to keep her old baby clothes that I couldn't yet part with. I also had my father in law build a shelve right about her hanging stuff(bad English but, why cant I think of the proper name, lol) That shelf is great for blankets, taller foot wear or sometimes her stuffies that need a place to be seen but not always played with. Teh shelf is the newest thing in her room and I am so happy with it!
On a good day, I like our closets to be somewhat "good-looking" too. I dont know why. But I get great happiness when I open up the doors and it looks like a display. Maybe its because its sucha rarity in my life. haha.
You might of noticed that Graces toy box was tucked away into her closet. Well, 1) her room is only so big. 2) the toys that sleep in there are the ones she doesn't use so often. I bought the bins on top(homesense, $10 ea) to store the toys and things she plays with the most. It makes for easy clean up at naptime or bed time. I know a lovely lady that tackles old things that need some love, and gives them a fresh coat of paint, still leaving behind what we loved aboutthe piece. Thats art to me! Check her out Here .
Anyhow, that's that. The only things That didn't get covered: her pictures on her wall and her new whitewashed flooring. The pictures on the wall? I need serious help, any help I'd take. And as for the flooring, why, oh why, didn't we do that sooner?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
How much did you say that was...?
I've this idea for awhile now and I cant wait to try it. I know, super lame, but I've had a bit of time on my hands to think this over....
Since Geoff is back to school (2nd year electrical) and we are waiting on EI, which seems like maybe it will never come, but I know, we must be patient..I have been trying really hard to save us money where I can. My meal menu has cut my grocery bill down about $60 bucks a week. And that was before I was even looking to save. Now, Kaleb loves to peruse the dollar store, and I gotta say I don't mind. But I have had alot of time to see whats on those shelves. And that's when it occurred to me, a person could almost buy all their necessities here.
Ok, Ok I know what your thinking, but think about it. Besides fresh produce and milk and the like, everything is there. A person on a budget and with a little imagination could really make their monies go along way. Maybe.
I will say this, I recognize the need to experiment with the stuff thats there, seeing that quality may not be the best, but how many times have you heard someone say, "actually I just picked it up at the dollar store." Now I cant say that this will be fool proof, but it warrants some looking into right? And what better time to try.
There is a certain satisfaction in getting a deal. So I think why not take advantage of what at our finger tips. My plan is, at the beginning of a week(maybe not this one since my sister is down) to make my grocery list and see what shopping I can get done at the dollar store. I realize I may have to adjust my list and maybe even my recipes, but its giving me something to do. And look forward to.
I'm also interested to see what else I can pick up for home that I Can put to good use at home...
What do you think? Good Idea? Bad Idea? Just glad its me trying and not you? Do you have tips on what you always always get at the dollar store? Let me know! And trust me, I'll let you know and keep you up-to-date on all my finds...
Since Geoff is back to school (2nd year electrical) and we are waiting on EI, which seems like maybe it will never come, but I know, we must be patient..I have been trying really hard to save us money where I can. My meal menu has cut my grocery bill down about $60 bucks a week. And that was before I was even looking to save. Now, Kaleb loves to peruse the dollar store, and I gotta say I don't mind. But I have had alot of time to see whats on those shelves. And that's when it occurred to me, a person could almost buy all their necessities here.
Ok, Ok I know what your thinking, but think about it. Besides fresh produce and milk and the like, everything is there. A person on a budget and with a little imagination could really make their monies go along way. Maybe.
I will say this, I recognize the need to experiment with the stuff thats there, seeing that quality may not be the best, but how many times have you heard someone say, "actually I just picked it up at the dollar store." Now I cant say that this will be fool proof, but it warrants some looking into right? And what better time to try.
There is a certain satisfaction in getting a deal. So I think why not take advantage of what at our finger tips. My plan is, at the beginning of a week(maybe not this one since my sister is down) to make my grocery list and see what shopping I can get done at the dollar store. I realize I may have to adjust my list and maybe even my recipes, but its giving me something to do. And look forward to.
I'm also interested to see what else I can pick up for home that I Can put to good use at home...
What do you think? Good Idea? Bad Idea? Just glad its me trying and not you? Do you have tips on what you always always get at the dollar store? Let me know! And trust me, I'll let you know and keep you up-to-date on all my finds...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Clam Diggers...
Its surprising that I haven't posted sooner. Geoff is into week 2 of schooling at NAIT and I have been vehicle less for that time-- and up until he's finished. Hence I find myself with free time on the week days, while I cram all my errands and shopping in on weekends. But I'm surviving and from what I hear, its pretty cold out there anyhow.
Which lead me to todays post. As you know, I have been making a meal menu for a couple of months now, and I am loving it. I rarely have repeats unless One of my recipes is too tasty to pass up.. I want to go on record now, saying, I don't think I'm anything close to a good cook, so I dont want that to come across as bragging. Its simply just good recipes.
Anyhow, I'm gonna share one of my favorites and its perfect for this time of year. New England Clam Chowder. My particular recipe comes from Disney cook book- featured at the Cape May Cafe. Being an easterner, I've had my share of clam chowder. And I've come to realize people somewhat expect you to be able to cook seafood- or at the very least be knowledgeable about it. HAHA, my dear friends, I know the difference between a crab and a lobster but anything other than that I'm lost. Needless to say, the first time I tried this recipe, it felt like an adventure. Well the recipe was great and I thought I'd share it with you along with some tips I picked up from making it a couple times.
I always like to start my recipes by chopping and putting aside the veggies and what not. I'm not a great chopper so I need extra time. That might be handy for you too! So any of the veggies I mention- pre-chop them. I did.
(the candle being lit while chopping onions cuts down on the tears)
You start off by melting 1/2 cup of butter in a medium sauce pan. Then you add 1/3 cups flour- make sure you keep stirring, you dont want it to burn(it would definitely effect the flavour) If it does burn- you haven't ruined the recipe- just start again. maybe have a little cry-- and start again. Cook it for about 3 minutes(set your timer) and then set to the side and outta your way, as you wont be needing it for the time being.
Next Take your largest pot (If you have a Dutch oven, use that. I however dont, and my pot chowder turned out just fine). Heat 2tbsp of oil in the pot, make sure its hot- BUT NOT SMOKING. Add 1 onion, 3 stalks of celery (see why I pre-chopped) Cook these just until they are softened, about 5 minutes.
Now add the clam broth. The recipe calls for 2 cups. My first try, I never had any clam broth, I used water. It turned out great, but when you do use the broth it tastes more authentic. But listen- if you dont got it- it wont make or break this recipe. Its more like an added bonus. Then add about 3 cups of chopped potatoes. Any potatoes would work. Use what you like. Then in goes the 2 cans(6oz) of clams. They ask you to chop them. I never have. Reason? Lazy. However, I did learn people like that more. It feels like your having a CLAM chowder rather than a potato chowder with some clam thrown in, if you know what I mean. Be sure to add the clams with their liquid they come in too!
Next add your spices: 1tsp of thyme, 1/2tsp of basil, 1/2tsp salt, 1/4tsp of pepper. Dont be afraid to add more of less of either of these. I prefer to add more salt and pepper. I skip on the thyme sometimes. Next add in about 4 drops of Tabasco sauce. Now I dont own that, but I do own franks hot sauce, that works too! Dont have any? Skip it. Again, it wont make or break it!
Your gonna want to let this mix come to a simmer over medium high heat and then let it simmer 5 minutes(or however long it takes for your potatoes to cook)
Next add 2 cups of half and half and bring that to a boil. Whipped cream works too.Even milk(just expect it to be a bit more runny). At this point I usually the mix into my crock pot. Only because I usually get it ready a while before Geoff gets home and I want to keep it hot with little maintenance. Whether you do this or not, Next add the flour/ butter mixture you set aside and whisk it it. Make sure you blend it well. If you leave it on the stove let it sit on low and simmer about 10 minutes before you serve.
Know this recipe serves about 4. But if it was just a first course kinda deal(if you do that sorta thing) It could easily feed 8.
This meal would be delicious served with fresh biscuits, but I dont have a great recipe for that. In the maritimes we love putting cheese on the table with almost any soup meal, at least my family did. When I made this the last time, I made a Caesar salad with it.
Anyhow, thought maybe you could try it. If you do, just let me know how it goes.. I'd be curious to know how it goes..
Which lead me to todays post. As you know, I have been making a meal menu for a couple of months now, and I am loving it. I rarely have repeats unless One of my recipes is too tasty to pass up.. I want to go on record now, saying, I don't think I'm anything close to a good cook, so I dont want that to come across as bragging. Its simply just good recipes.
Anyhow, I'm gonna share one of my favorites and its perfect for this time of year. New England Clam Chowder. My particular recipe comes from Disney cook book- featured at the Cape May Cafe. Being an easterner, I've had my share of clam chowder. And I've come to realize people somewhat expect you to be able to cook seafood- or at the very least be knowledgeable about it. HAHA, my dear friends, I know the difference between a crab and a lobster but anything other than that I'm lost. Needless to say, the first time I tried this recipe, it felt like an adventure. Well the recipe was great and I thought I'd share it with you along with some tips I picked up from making it a couple times.
I always like to start my recipes by chopping and putting aside the veggies and what not. I'm not a great chopper so I need extra time. That might be handy for you too! So any of the veggies I mention- pre-chop them. I did.
(the candle being lit while chopping onions cuts down on the tears)
You start off by melting 1/2 cup of butter in a medium sauce pan. Then you add 1/3 cups flour- make sure you keep stirring, you dont want it to burn(it would definitely effect the flavour) If it does burn- you haven't ruined the recipe- just start again. maybe have a little cry-- and start again. Cook it for about 3 minutes(set your timer) and then set to the side and outta your way, as you wont be needing it for the time being.
Next Take your largest pot (If you have a Dutch oven, use that. I however dont, and my pot chowder turned out just fine). Heat 2tbsp of oil in the pot, make sure its hot- BUT NOT SMOKING. Add 1 onion, 3 stalks of celery (see why I pre-chopped) Cook these just until they are softened, about 5 minutes.
Now add the clam broth. The recipe calls for 2 cups. My first try, I never had any clam broth, I used water. It turned out great, but when you do use the broth it tastes more authentic. But listen- if you dont got it- it wont make or break this recipe. Its more like an added bonus. Then add about 3 cups of chopped potatoes. Any potatoes would work. Use what you like. Then in goes the 2 cans(6oz) of clams. They ask you to chop them. I never have. Reason? Lazy. However, I did learn people like that more. It feels like your having a CLAM chowder rather than a potato chowder with some clam thrown in, if you know what I mean. Be sure to add the clams with their liquid they come in too!
Next add your spices: 1tsp of thyme, 1/2tsp of basil, 1/2tsp salt, 1/4tsp of pepper. Dont be afraid to add more of less of either of these. I prefer to add more salt and pepper. I skip on the thyme sometimes. Next add in about 4 drops of Tabasco sauce. Now I dont own that, but I do own franks hot sauce, that works too! Dont have any? Skip it. Again, it wont make or break it!
Your gonna want to let this mix come to a simmer over medium high heat and then let it simmer 5 minutes(or however long it takes for your potatoes to cook)
Next add 2 cups of half and half and bring that to a boil. Whipped cream works too.Even milk(just expect it to be a bit more runny). At this point I usually the mix into my crock pot. Only because I usually get it ready a while before Geoff gets home and I want to keep it hot with little maintenance. Whether you do this or not, Next add the flour/ butter mixture you set aside and whisk it it. Make sure you blend it well. If you leave it on the stove let it sit on low and simmer about 10 minutes before you serve.
Know this recipe serves about 4. But if it was just a first course kinda deal(if you do that sorta thing) It could easily feed 8.
This meal would be delicious served with fresh biscuits, but I dont have a great recipe for that. In the maritimes we love putting cheese on the table with almost any soup meal, at least my family did. When I made this the last time, I made a Caesar salad with it.
Anyhow, thought maybe you could try it. If you do, just let me know how it goes.. I'd be curious to know how it goes..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
It might be you..
Why, oh , why are we so hard on ourselves? Did we do something we feel we should be punished for for the rest of our lives? Or is it being young enough to not know any better but old enough to compare? Ugh. WHY?
The other day, my sister and I were out shopping, we were doing a la senza run, which is enough to make the average girl feel, well, pretty inadequate. Now lets throw having a baby body in there, and being and oh so awkward red head. Now, Usually I can handle myself pretty ok in there. Head down, search for floral and out, hopefully unscathed.
I don't know if it was the combination of a sales lady that had no clue what I was saying, or at least, believe what I was saying(I wont get into it on the blog world, but ask me in person one day, its really quite funny now) or the fact that I hate myself(only half kidding at this point) but it was AWFUL. I may never go back. Well I will but not today.
I also think It had to do with the ultra skinny/chic girl that came in. She had confidence ozzing out her perfectly manicured finger tips. Her hair shined a glossy black you only see in magazines. Not to mention was styled in the perfect mix of haphazardly messy pony tale and perfectly styled bangs. She was dressed head to toe in black and had the perfect pale skin to match. How come my pale, ok, almost albino, skin doesn't look like that in black. And If I'm being honest, black is in over 85% of my wardrobe.
I wanted to follow this girl home and see how she lived. I wanted to know if where she puts herself together is as glamorous as she looked. Truth be told, I wanted to find a flaw, so I could sleep better that night. Isn't that awful? blahhh, I'm disappointed in myself..
I really have to pull myself together before Gracie learns any of this from me. Goodness knows ...
Its pretty funny right? Pretty sad too? Oh I agree. I do know that there will be some who will know exactly were I'm coming from. And If you don't, your blessed with a self confidence that I cant even begin to understand. It also means you might be that girl i saw, or at least one just like her. Which isn't bad, but could you tone it down a bit. I'M KIDDING.
Well, sorta...
The other day, my sister and I were out shopping, we were doing a la senza run, which is enough to make the average girl feel, well, pretty inadequate. Now lets throw having a baby body in there, and being and oh so awkward red head. Now, Usually I can handle myself pretty ok in there. Head down, search for floral and out, hopefully unscathed.
I don't know if it was the combination of a sales lady that had no clue what I was saying, or at least, believe what I was saying(I wont get into it on the blog world, but ask me in person one day, its really quite funny now) or the fact that I hate myself(only half kidding at this point) but it was AWFUL. I may never go back. Well I will but not today.
I also think It had to do with the ultra skinny/chic girl that came in. She had confidence ozzing out her perfectly manicured finger tips. Her hair shined a glossy black you only see in magazines. Not to mention was styled in the perfect mix of haphazardly messy pony tale and perfectly styled bangs. She was dressed head to toe in black and had the perfect pale skin to match. How come my pale, ok, almost albino, skin doesn't look like that in black. And If I'm being honest, black is in over 85% of my wardrobe.
I wanted to follow this girl home and see how she lived. I wanted to know if where she puts herself together is as glamorous as she looked. Truth be told, I wanted to find a flaw, so I could sleep better that night. Isn't that awful? blahhh, I'm disappointed in myself..
I really have to pull myself together before Gracie learns any of this from me. Goodness knows ...
Its pretty funny right? Pretty sad too? Oh I agree. I do know that there will be some who will know exactly were I'm coming from. And If you don't, your blessed with a self confidence that I cant even begin to understand. It also means you might be that girl i saw, or at least one just like her. Which isn't bad, but could you tone it down a bit. I'M KIDDING.
Well, sorta...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Three deep breaths
Any time I have spent the day inside and I find myself outside for a brief moment, I always take 3 Huge Breaths. All the way in and all the way out. If I spent the morning cleaning and am running the garbage out, I make sure I take 3 deep breaths. A quick trip to the drugstore for more migraine pills? 3 deep breaths. Just out to water the plants? Yup, 3 deep breaths.
I do this almost without thinking. Just yesterday, I caught myself doing it. Whats behind it?..
In Grade 6 I had a very unique teacher, Mr. Couglan. He never failed anybody, said he always believed we gave our very best, because, whatever we gave in that moment was our best. (did you follow that?) He was king at Simon says. King. And! He taught my dad when he was a kid and loved me for it. (too bad for him wasn't even close to athletic like dad)
Anyhow, if we seemed to be half asleep, or not giving out best, he'd make us get up and go out side, no matter how cold it was, and take 3 deep breaths. His reasoning? We were in classrooms all day, breathing in nothing but stale air. He thought it did us good, to get rid of the old air and bring in new. Hence, the 3 deep breaths.
Was there any real substance to this? I have no idea. But for whatever reason, Its stuck with me all these years later. I'll likely teach it to Grace too. The way I look at it? It cant hurt and It might help!
He was one of my favorite teachers. I liked his hippy style. And he liked me, so that helped. I don't remember too much from his class and actual lesson plans, but I remember that. And I probably always will..
I do this almost without thinking. Just yesterday, I caught myself doing it. Whats behind it?..
In Grade 6 I had a very unique teacher, Mr. Couglan. He never failed anybody, said he always believed we gave our very best, because, whatever we gave in that moment was our best. (did you follow that?) He was king at Simon says. King. And! He taught my dad when he was a kid and loved me for it. (too bad for him wasn't even close to athletic like dad)
Anyhow, if we seemed to be half asleep, or not giving out best, he'd make us get up and go out side, no matter how cold it was, and take 3 deep breaths. His reasoning? We were in classrooms all day, breathing in nothing but stale air. He thought it did us good, to get rid of the old air and bring in new. Hence, the 3 deep breaths.
Was there any real substance to this? I have no idea. But for whatever reason, Its stuck with me all these years later. I'll likely teach it to Grace too. The way I look at it? It cant hurt and It might help!
He was one of my favorite teachers. I liked his hippy style. And he liked me, so that helped. I don't remember too much from his class and actual lesson plans, but I remember that. And I probably always will..
Friday, September 23, 2011
If memory serves me right...
Remember that great vacation I went on way back in February? Sigh, I do. The trip where I finally got a family picture in front of that castle. Such a great moment for me. I think about that vacation almost daily.
Isn't the memory a truly great thing? I swear, if i close my eyes, and really really try, I'm right back in that condo, by the pool. Or waiting in line for my most favorite line. Or Trying on yet another set of ears on baby Grace.
Through all the bad days we have had around here in the last year, I have found myself going right back to that trip, or (and yes I will admit to 2 great vacations within 6 months of each other) new Brunswick trip home. Thank goodness for the happy memories, right?
I think it would be such a shame to let those memories go to waste. You know, I admit, when 1 thing goes wrong in my life, I tend to think EVERYTHING is wrong. And true, usually when it rains it pours. But really? There isnt ONE THING I can be greatful for?
Yes, I've had a sick baby lots this year, shes had one surgery, and a list of friends that have fell apart in front of me- BUT- I've seen and done enough good things this year that can at least pull through another day. It could be so easy for me- or you- to feel bad for ourselves.. SO VERY BAD for ourselves. And YES, I think you really are allowed to for a bit. But Isn't there something your pretty grateful for? And I mean truly grateful for?
I know we cant always have a vacation. They cost money (shame really) We might not always be able to think of a fancy night out or a truly exotic experience, but what do you have?
Do you have a pet that has become your family, maybe waits for you to come home? What about a baby that lights up when they see your face? One REALLY great snap shot of ONE.SINGLE. MOMENT. That was exactly perfect for you?
Its so tragic that we have to experience death in this world. Sickness. Betrayal. Heartbreak. But If memory serves you right, and I hope it does, you've got SOMETHING.
Yes, Memories are a great thing. They boil down to the moments that we will hold on to and they cover the ones we cant let go of..
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
All things bright and Shiney
I can already tell you- You read better books than me. Every once and a while, I'll take Grace and I over to chapters and peruse the shelves. I like to check out authors I love and see whats new. But should there be nothing new or nothing that appeals to me, I start randomly, anywhere in chapters and pull out books that's titles catch my eye. This is reason #1 I know you choose better books than me. You can never find a good book based solely on its title--TRUST ME.
Secondly- You know that old saying "don't judge a book by its cover? I do. I can't help it. Its a sickness. I am immediately attracted to bright color. Bright pink? yup. Turquoisy Blue, all over that. Yellow with Plaid letters- Sigh. Cartoon cover, well, lets just say, your going in my cart.
Its sad really. Needless to say, I'm not reading books that are gonna change my life. I mean, honestly, I can, and every once in a while, I do. But I would really rather prefer a book that's funny. Easy. Comfortable. And Its not to say you cant find something in those books that means something to me or that can stick with me for a life time. But I'm not going to join a book club any time soon. And there is only a small hand full of people I'd actually pass along my books to. Books, to me, are like movies, Never recommend one- you never know who you'll offend or who'll criticize.
But yes, I do judge books by there cover- first and foremost. And I can honestly say, in this life I really don't know much about anything, but I can tell you this- You probably read better books than me..
"'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't read."
Mark Twain
Secondly- You know that old saying "don't judge a book by its cover? I do. I can't help it. Its a sickness. I am immediately attracted to bright color. Bright pink? yup. Turquoisy Blue, all over that. Yellow with Plaid letters- Sigh. Cartoon cover, well, lets just say, your going in my cart.
Its sad really. Needless to say, I'm not reading books that are gonna change my life. I mean, honestly, I can, and every once in a while, I do. But I would really rather prefer a book that's funny. Easy. Comfortable. And Its not to say you cant find something in those books that means something to me or that can stick with me for a life time. But I'm not going to join a book club any time soon. And there is only a small hand full of people I'd actually pass along my books to. Books, to me, are like movies, Never recommend one- you never know who you'll offend or who'll criticize.
But yes, I do judge books by there cover- first and foremost. And I can honestly say, in this life I really don't know much about anything, but I can tell you this- You probably read better books than me..
"'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't read."
Mark Twain
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Best Laid Plans
![]() |
Missing: One adorable, well behaved baby girl... |
First off, still no computer- Don't ask. And I Do post from my eye phone, but it really isn't Ideal. It feels impossible. Also summer is just busy, right? And we have recently lost our sweet little lady (mm, lets call her, Terrible Two, shall we?) and found a new "adventure"... Crayola doesn't wipe off walls as good as you'd like to think.. let me just tell you... Thank you Norwex, you saved the day.
So anyway, I already devoted too much time to that. Looking back over my older posts, I had big plans for "little" renos, but they are just getting no where for now. Bits here and there but nothing worth showing you guys. And i do believe I added to that list. Thank you terrible two, we will replace that carpet as soon as we possible can. Sigh...:)
ANYWHO, The last couple of weeks, I have been trying to get my self back on track, therefore, getting my little family on track with me. After receiving so much bad news, and sorting out a few set backs, it seemed I was coming to a crashing halt. Tiredness reached a new high. Stress levels where just disgusting and well, my red head temper flared. So after much talk with a good friend and then also Geoff, they both had the same idea: What I needed in my life was a schedule. A normal, Basic schedule. Now at first hearing this, I immediately hated the idea. 1) I thought I had somewhat of a schedule. ie- Laundry at the beginning of the week, groceries at the beginning of the week, maybe more laundry... more groceries, maybe a coffee visit...oh.. wait... And 2) the idea of a actually real grown up schedule made be feel claustrophobic. Even, maybe, more depressed?!
But advice is best when you have a little time to think about it. And I did. With the help of Geoff. He put it like this... Lots of the time, what gets me through a day is the thought of something good ahead of me. Like, a vacation, a movie date, and the like. So I schedule for a person like me, would be just like that in a sense. Knowing what comes next. Know something comes after the this. Knowing that things wont just stop . Leaving me less time to think and work myself up. Why hadn't I thought of that... Why was my friend so smart, Why didn't Geoff think of this sooner? Hah, just kidding. But where on earth would I be without them?
So That was just over a week ago, and let me tell you, its helping. Have I been cured of all moodiness? No... But I think there is a difference and that's all I was really hoping for.. So far, what have I done? My biggest thing? A meal plan for the week. Huge geek? Why yes I am, thank you for noticing. But seriously. On Sunday nights, I make up a seven day meal plan and a Grocery list. On Monday, (besides cleaning and such) I go out and get the groceries. When supper time rolls around, I know exactly what I'm doing and truthfully? I look forward to it a bit. (not to mention I have found a few great recipes) Another perk.. Grace Geoff and I always get leftovers for lunch. Another thing I don't have to think about.
It seems probably pretty small thing, but I bet if you tried it, you like it. You'd definitely see the difference. But I guess it gets me through a day. Maybe something different works for you. But being willing to try is HUGE. The hardest part, motivating yourself when your already tired. but once that ball is rolling...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A short nose and a sore ear.
My dad always had words of wisdom for us girls before leaving the house. One of the main ones(I will always remember, thanks Dad) was, "keep Your nose to the grindstone and your ear the the ground". I spent years heading out to he school bus and every time dad would ask what I had to remember. And I would repeat those words back. Almost every single day. I never really knew what that meant. Come to thin k about it, I I still might not. Haha. It wasn't u til today as I was driving myself to my Acupuncture appointment that My thoughts wandered to more words of wisdom from daddykins. I was crossing the train tracks and remembered how dad used to say "always make sure you stop and check for no trains. Even if the lights aren't flashing. CHECK. I had to smile. At the time I just brushed those, words of wisdom, as we are calling them, I just thought dad was uber paranoid. But I had never had my own kids to worry about. Until now. And I had never to worry about passing along wise information I had gathered along my way. Until now.
True grace face is a few Years away from totally being able to grasp anything as wise as keeping your nose to the grindstone, but that just means I have time to decode these worldly advice.
So I got wondering, where there any real meaning behind those words, keep your nose to the grind stone and ear to the ground. Was dear ol' dad trying to I still something in me or was he's just being a weird dad. I had begun to get used to that idea. But there really is so
E great substance to those words. Well maybe not great, but your still with me right?
To keep your nose to the grindstone back in the day literally referred to people sharpening knifes.. They'd keep there nose really close so as to be dong a good and thorough job. Keep your head down and work hard. Not bad right. If I could have some one at the end of the day I was a hard worker, well, that's something right?
As for the ear to the ground? Literally that was for cowboys back in the day(that term was used one too many times)they would keep there ears to the ground to listen to horse hooves, so hey would be aware when someone was coming. So, keep your ears open, listen and be prepared. If I can instill that in Gracie and if I have any of that in me, well, I'd sleep just little better tonight, knowing we are doing alright.
Do you think dad knew all this? Was he really trying teach us? Those words, though we have spent many days laughing over the ridiculousness of them, really stuck with me. For one reason or another. Dad, and mom for that matter, were always trying to raise good people nice people. Do your share and shush up about it. And be safe about it.
You know, come to think of it, "look before you cross the tracks" really had he same theme. Hmmm. Maybe dad did know what he was saying..
True grace face is a few Years away from totally being able to grasp anything as wise as keeping your nose to the grindstone, but that just means I have time to decode these worldly advice.
So I got wondering, where there any real meaning behind those words, keep your nose to the grind stone and ear to the ground. Was dear ol' dad trying to I still something in me or was he's just being a weird dad. I had begun to get used to that idea. But there really is so
E great substance to those words. Well maybe not great, but your still with me right?
To keep your nose to the grindstone back in the day literally referred to people sharpening knifes.. They'd keep there nose really close so as to be dong a good and thorough job. Keep your head down and work hard. Not bad right. If I could have some one at the end of the day I was a hard worker, well, that's something right?
As for the ear to the ground? Literally that was for cowboys back in the day(that term was used one too many times)they would keep there ears to the ground to listen to horse hooves, so hey would be aware when someone was coming. So, keep your ears open, listen and be prepared. If I can instill that in Gracie and if I have any of that in me, well, I'd sleep just little better tonight, knowing we are doing alright.
Do you think dad knew all this? Was he really trying teach us? Those words, though we have spent many days laughing over the ridiculousness of them, really stuck with me. For one reason or another. Dad, and mom for that matter, were always trying to raise good people nice people. Do your share and shush up about it. And be safe about it.
You know, come to think of it, "look before you cross the tracks" really had he same theme. Hmmm. Maybe dad did know what he was saying..
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The year of cheese

If you think back to the first year you were married (and if your not married, you remember this, cuz one day, you'll know)--Hardest year. I know that there will be some--some-- that will never admit to how hard the change can be. But, hard doesn't really even touch it. haha. If I remember correctly Geoff and I's biggest fight was over cheese. CHEESE. I wont drag it out too much (although, if we had it on tape, it would be worth the entertainment) but it went a little like this:
Me: Geoff wheres all the cheese?
Geoff: Oh I dunno.
Me: Well we just bought a block Friday, where did it go.
G: Oh I may have eaten it.
Me: Eaten it? In 4 days?
G: I dunno.
and so on... We didn't talk for 2 days... Just kidding(although it could of been possible)
That cheese fight, well, i hold it close to my heart. We have come along way. I have another great fight, but that's for another day.(but the wait will be worth it)
I think the hardest job in marriage--and life-- is communication. Geoff and I are both talkers, but thats not to say we cover what needs to be said. We can seriously have a 20 min. convo on TV characters(and we quite frequently do) But to talk about whats really bothering, whats really on your mind, well thats a tough job. If your anything like me(and lets hope your not) You know there are things to be said, but to get into it feels draining. So I always think- I'll bring this up later. Later turns to never and never turns into "Geoff, wheres the stinkin cheese.." And this is 6 years of marriage.. haha
But if we all could communicate just a little bit better, we feel ALOT better and maybe we wouldn't hurt alone.. Maybe we could see past the hurt. To my friends who are hurting- To say things out loud can go along way. Just make sure your saying them to the right person. And leave out the cheese.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
When today seems to be too much
Today the dishes in the sink can wait until after my first cup. French vanilla this morning. I need to just sit for a few minutes. Let lesser things wait for now. This past year has been a tough year, no secret there. It seems when all in right for the moment in your life, something else has to be wrong. A good good friend of mine has had a bad few months.. Tragic to say he least. And while I'm not here to give you the grimey details and let's be honest what kind of friend wOuld I be, I can say, she's had the kind of year or even life that you can only read in books. She has worries that keep you up at ight and rob you of the one of the few things you Need to get through a bad moment: sleep.
Doesn't your heart break when you can't fix hurt? We can fill our prayers with thoughts for them, but how do you let them know your here for them when they need it? It seems impossible sometimes doesn't it? I guess you let your prayers do the work. But then shouldn't you act on them too?
I think sometimes when you seem to be living a grueling day to day, you start feeling very worthless. When every breath you take seems like work, you want to stay in bed. You want not to feel anything at all if it can't be releif.
I guess you gotta let your friends- whoever you know is hurting- you love them. And yOu can't just tell them once. Tell them as much as they need it. Pray they get through this day. Pray that the next day will bring them relief. Pray they hold on until the prayers kick in. Pray they can just have one. Decent. Sleep.
Doesn't your heart break when you can't fix hurt? We can fill our prayers with thoughts for them, but how do you let them know your here for them when they need it? It seems impossible sometimes doesn't it? I guess you let your prayers do the work. But then shouldn't you act on them too?
I think sometimes when you seem to be living a grueling day to day, you start feeling very worthless. When every breath you take seems like work, you want to stay in bed. You want not to feel anything at all if it can't be releif.
I guess you gotta let your friends- whoever you know is hurting- you love them. And yOu can't just tell them once. Tell them as much as they need it. Pray they get through this day. Pray that the next day will bring them relief. Pray they hold on until the prayers kick in. Pray they can just have one. Decent. Sleep.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Lost shoes
It's been too long... Let me first start by saying this post is from my IPhone so excuse all typo's!
It's busy having a toddler. If you've had one or still raising one, you know exactly how I feel. Even with the best of children, comes hard work. It starts the moment we hear "mama" in the morning until the last cry sometime after 3am sometimes. To complain about it really pointless. I'd choose this life a million times over, I can promise you that.
When you see a well behaved kid there is some one to thank for that. Usually credit goes to mom and dad but admittedly it credit sometimes has to be shared with our loved ones that take the time to help us train these little people. Never be to afraid to help out when you can. If you already do, know that to parents, you cherish those friends the very most. Take time for MY child, and I will never ever forget it.
Recently, when away from my helper(geoff), I was at a party. I barely knew anyone and was over Whelmed but being the only one to look after a just under 2 year old. I stepped outside with her so we both could hear ourselves think and to breath fresh air. And ok ok, so I could let her run free. Good for her better for me. Long story longer, Someone I know only a little and his wife whom I have known and liked for years, immediately came and crouched to grace faces level. Pulled out a ball for her to play with. Friend for life. I could tell, having stared at that beautiful face for hours, that she was smitten. And to get to steal his hat, if only for a few minutes. Done. Straight out love. Did you know that kids can pick out he good people in life? They can and they do.
I'm sure to those 2, they haven't thought Bout what they did once since that night. It's not really in there nature to think too much of themselves, but honestly, to me, it was so kind and gave me a few minutes of break.
And something else I found myself thinking about today was how well my baby girl did at the conve tion this year. We came fully supplied with new toys and new crayons, new books and new treats. We used every thing uP and and very last piece of energy and came away pretty proud of her. When we were asked how well she did, we bragged about how well behaved she was. BUT when people talked about certain talks, admittedily we usually didn't remember hearing it. Why? Because you spend all your time entertaining your baby. Changing them. Feeding them. Finding lost toys. Lost shoes.( yes day one, 10 min at rexall we lost a shoe). Once you get through all that stuff you pick up what you can.
You see.. Behind every well behaved baby.. Is a parent or family member or even friend, that's expending all their energy to MAKE a well behaved baby. Its exhausting. But it has it's rewards. And those, my dEar friends, Are endless.
It's busy having a toddler. If you've had one or still raising one, you know exactly how I feel. Even with the best of children, comes hard work. It starts the moment we hear "mama" in the morning until the last cry sometime after 3am sometimes. To complain about it really pointless. I'd choose this life a million times over, I can promise you that.
When you see a well behaved kid there is some one to thank for that. Usually credit goes to mom and dad but admittedly it credit sometimes has to be shared with our loved ones that take the time to help us train these little people. Never be to afraid to help out when you can. If you already do, know that to parents, you cherish those friends the very most. Take time for MY child, and I will never ever forget it.
Recently, when away from my helper(geoff), I was at a party. I barely knew anyone and was over Whelmed but being the only one to look after a just under 2 year old. I stepped outside with her so we both could hear ourselves think and to breath fresh air. And ok ok, so I could let her run free. Good for her better for me. Long story longer, Someone I know only a little and his wife whom I have known and liked for years, immediately came and crouched to grace faces level. Pulled out a ball for her to play with. Friend for life. I could tell, having stared at that beautiful face for hours, that she was smitten. And to get to steal his hat, if only for a few minutes. Done. Straight out love. Did you know that kids can pick out he good people in life? They can and they do.
I'm sure to those 2, they haven't thought Bout what they did once since that night. It's not really in there nature to think too much of themselves, but honestly, to me, it was so kind and gave me a few minutes of break.
And something else I found myself thinking about today was how well my baby girl did at the conve tion this year. We came fully supplied with new toys and new crayons, new books and new treats. We used every thing uP and and very last piece of energy and came away pretty proud of her. When we were asked how well she did, we bragged about how well behaved she was. BUT when people talked about certain talks, admittedily we usually didn't remember hearing it. Why? Because you spend all your time entertaining your baby. Changing them. Feeding them. Finding lost toys. Lost shoes.( yes day one, 10 min at rexall we lost a shoe). Once you get through all that stuff you pick up what you can.
You see.. Behind every well behaved baby.. Is a parent or family member or even friend, that's expending all their energy to MAKE a well behaved baby. Its exhausting. But it has it's rewards. And those, my dEar friends, Are endless.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Yesterday, our first full day back, Grace and I cleaned form top to bottom. Geoff did a good job cleaning, don't get me wrong, but I like to do the nit and grit jobs, and I wouldn't of been able to relax until I knew they were done. So once that ws outta the way, Grace and I were off to buy groceries and re stock. We came home put it all away and then Had Gracies friend over to play, and I got to have a visit too. We went out for a quick visit to my friend tams, and then home again to make dinner for the younger siblings. Well not blood ones, but they are good enough for me. We went down to the farmers market and had some homemade lemonade and Mini donuts. Then ended off the evening with homemade strawberry short cake.
I'm not sure if I have been keeping myself busy to try to get back on Alberta time or to avoid feeling homesick. Maybe its a little of both... Have you ever felt like that?
Anyway, today, I'm gonna be lazy. Im too tired not to be. So I brewed my self a cup of chocolate strawberry tea and and plan on soaking up the sun this afternoon. Its good to be home, but I really do miss my trip...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The tide still goes in and out and that will NEVER change..
Well I've been home for not quite a week and I gotta say, it really has changed. The faces in the local congregation have changed, and its gotten smaller. The hall itself had a complete reno, and its beautiful. The town has new streets and new buildings. There is even a papa johns here now. Its changed, yes, BUT...
There is still a handful of familiar...My Favorite? The people- MY people. I don't have to name names, but they know who they are. They make Grace and I's whole trip worth the effort. We all may have gotten a bit older, but all the jokes are the same, maybe even funnier. Ha. I always think my jokes are funny anyhow. These guys, well, tend to appreciate them more. haha. But every hug we have received here, has been long over due, and We've look forward to every last one!
Familiar? That favorite ice cream spot in town, Sully's. Its located in the the towns old railway station, so it's pretty charming. Not to mention its located on the "boulevard" where you tend to see every one you know, who's up town. You rarely go through town, and NOT pass the boulevard. And lets not forget the endless selection of ice cream. Grace can eat a whole scoop for her self, but she gets excited and starts to eat the cone. She doesn't understand the order in which a ice cream cone should be eaten... I guess I'm the one to teach her that... hmm, I guess more ice cream is needed..
And it seems to me, the shore line never changes. Still pretty fantastic. Maybe even better than I have given it credit for. I don't think I will ever stop beach combing. I can't help but look for shells. I think I was born that way. I don't know, maybe I'm always secretly looking for a bottle with a note sealed inside. Ok, I'm usually always looking for that, but what I end up with is a baggy full of shells. and not so perfect ones. No matter. There still going home with me. The last morning I spent on the beach with a particularly great friend, we waited until the tide was way out. I mean, i think I coulda swam to Nova Scotia. Well, maybe not me, but someone super athletic. Anyway. We endured the pain staking cold, shallow puddles on the way out. It was well worth it. And I managed to scoop up a sand dollar. Pretty great, right?
Anyhow, today is a down day for Gracie and I. We were starting to burn out yesterday, migraine included. We both had a nap together and were better off because of it. Today we are on our own for the morning. Just the too of us, well, and a cat cute cat with a crook on its tail and a over weight chawawa dog that's been around so long, shes considered family. And did I mention today is the best weather we have had yet. I'm gonna enjoy it. and we are headed out for wings tonight. Sigh... home, has changed, but its still pretty recognisable!
There is still a handful of familiar...My Favorite? The people- MY people. I don't have to name names, but they know who they are. They make Grace and I's whole trip worth the effort. We all may have gotten a bit older, but all the jokes are the same, maybe even funnier. Ha. I always think my jokes are funny anyhow. These guys, well, tend to appreciate them more. haha. But every hug we have received here, has been long over due, and We've look forward to every last one!
Familiar? That favorite ice cream spot in town, Sully's. Its located in the the towns old railway station, so it's pretty charming. Not to mention its located on the "boulevard" where you tend to see every one you know, who's up town. You rarely go through town, and NOT pass the boulevard. And lets not forget the endless selection of ice cream. Grace can eat a whole scoop for her self, but she gets excited and starts to eat the cone. She doesn't understand the order in which a ice cream cone should be eaten... I guess I'm the one to teach her that... hmm, I guess more ice cream is needed..
And it seems to me, the shore line never changes. Still pretty fantastic. Maybe even better than I have given it credit for. I don't think I will ever stop beach combing. I can't help but look for shells. I think I was born that way. I don't know, maybe I'm always secretly looking for a bottle with a note sealed inside. Ok, I'm usually always looking for that, but what I end up with is a baggy full of shells. and not so perfect ones. No matter. There still going home with me. The last morning I spent on the beach with a particularly great friend, we waited until the tide was way out. I mean, i think I coulda swam to Nova Scotia. Well, maybe not me, but someone super athletic. Anyway. We endured the pain staking cold, shallow puddles on the way out. It was well worth it. And I managed to scoop up a sand dollar. Pretty great, right?
Anyhow, today is a down day for Gracie and I. We were starting to burn out yesterday, migraine included. We both had a nap together and were better off because of it. Today we are on our own for the morning. Just the too of us, well, and a cat cute cat with a crook on its tail and a over weight chawawa dog that's been around so long, shes considered family. And did I mention today is the best weather we have had yet. I'm gonna enjoy it. and we are headed out for wings tonight. Sigh... home, has changed, but its still pretty recognisable!
Friday, June 3, 2011
it just isn't!
Ok, Ok, so I realize, I have not been keeping up to date, but our computer was supposed to be fixed, but it just isn't.. And finally I'm in the maritimes... However the room I'll be staying in has a computer in it. So If I find myself stuck on "alberta" time, I have a few ideas for some posts. So keep your eyes on the look out.. Thanks for being so patient!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
May almost always follows April
I'm back. It's Been awhile and besides having no computer we have hd no time! We have been double booking our dAys. We have been trying to fit in as much as we can in 24 hours. And while May hAs been wAy better by far for our house emotionally, physically we Are still running.
At the beginning of the month I said I was going to sleep as much as I could, do good when I could and exercise when I could. And I've really tried my best...
I nApped when I needed..I cAnt say i caught up, but you never really catch up, do you?
As far as doing good, I hAvent changed the world, but we contributed when and where we could. And the blessings we received back were well wOrth the effort.
Grace and I haven't went a week with out at
Least 2 walks in them. We love it. Well she loves and I love that she loves it. As far as making me feel better? Well I'm still not convinced but I'm not giving up on that one. I even bought myself some decent runners. Now for some decent weather. Ha
May also seems to be " to do" list month for us! We got the main painting done with only a bit more I'd like done. I organized my walk in closet, which I feel is a room all in itself. Not because it's so big or anything but because of all that we fit into it.
We figured out a bed for that beauty of ours. It comes in 8-10 weeks.. Which is likely the time I need to figure out bedding and layout and all the rest.
And let's not forget about summer clothes for Gracie and assembly clothes former dad and I. Were really not sure when we would get that done(as my trip to nb comes in the middle). But we fit it into our little time slot and we are pretty much done with that.
So to finish off our month, Geoff has the public talk on Sunday at our kingdom hall and then Packing for my trip to new Brunswick.
So May was to some, just the Month that followed April. But April kinda brought us to our knees. So I needed May to bring us around again. It may not of did all that I would of liked but we did survive and that's kinda what I was hoping for!
I hope May brought you around too. I hope you were able to leave some of the bad in April and found something worthwhile in May.
If for some reason your still looking, remember, worthwhile things can be in little things... Like tea with a good friend, or a sunny day or even little scuffed Mary-janes.
At the beginning of the month I said I was going to sleep as much as I could, do good when I could and exercise when I could. And I've really tried my best...
I nApped when I needed..I cAnt say i caught up, but you never really catch up, do you?
As far as doing good, I hAvent changed the world, but we contributed when and where we could. And the blessings we received back were well wOrth the effort.
Grace and I haven't went a week with out at
Least 2 walks in them. We love it. Well she loves and I love that she loves it. As far as making me feel better? Well I'm still not convinced but I'm not giving up on that one. I even bought myself some decent runners. Now for some decent weather. Ha
May also seems to be " to do" list month for us! We got the main painting done with only a bit more I'd like done. I organized my walk in closet, which I feel is a room all in itself. Not because it's so big or anything but because of all that we fit into it.
We figured out a bed for that beauty of ours. It comes in 8-10 weeks.. Which is likely the time I need to figure out bedding and layout and all the rest.
And let's not forget about summer clothes for Gracie and assembly clothes former dad and I. Were really not sure when we would get that done(as my trip to nb comes in the middle). But we fit it into our little time slot and we are pretty much done with that.
So to finish off our month, Geoff has the public talk on Sunday at our kingdom hall and then Packing for my trip to new Brunswick.
So May was to some, just the Month that followed April. But April kinda brought us to our knees. So I needed May to bring us around again. It may not of did all that I would of liked but we did survive and that's kinda what I was hoping for!
I hope May brought you around too. I hope you were able to leave some of the bad in April and found something worthwhile in May.
If for some reason your still looking, remember, worthwhile things can be in little things... Like tea with a good friend, or a sunny day or even little scuffed Mary-janes.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Extra time
Hi Guys!
Well my computer has a virus so I wont be on here too much until we get that figured out. In the meantime, I will be getting ready for my trip home, organizing my home and getting through this extremely busy month. Oh, and getting healthy. I hope.
Anyhow, I bought a bunch of things for my living room to "try" and make it...mmmm, better? Haha, well more cozy I s'pose. I noticed none of you offered any suggestions. Thanks for that. Ha. I guess I'm on my own...
Anyhow, hopefully My computer will be up and running soon. In the meantime, maybe I can use my extra time to get things done!! Starting with a New England Clam Chowder recipe from my mickey cookbook... Oi!
Well my computer has a virus so I wont be on here too much until we get that figured out. In the meantime, I will be getting ready for my trip home, organizing my home and getting through this extremely busy month. Oh, and getting healthy. I hope.
Anyhow, I bought a bunch of things for my living room to "try" and make it...mmmm, better? Haha, well more cozy I s'pose. I noticed none of you offered any suggestions. Thanks for that. Ha. I guess I'm on my own...
Anyhow, hopefully My computer will be up and running soon. In the meantime, maybe I can use my extra time to get things done!! Starting with a New England Clam Chowder recipe from my mickey cookbook... Oi!
Friday, May 6, 2011
A chanhe w
Hi! Happy friday... Hopefully everyone has found something great about today. I mean I havent because I'm sick.. haha.. Always the sick one lately, right? I have been seriously debating if I should just force myself to take grace out for a walk. I have been doin so good with it, since the beginning of may. But yesterday, I felt too awful, and today, I feel the same, but poor Gracie girl, shes stuck in here... We'll see.
This weekend I'm actually "white washing" some of my walls. When we first built our basement suite we did the majority of the reno's in under a month, that month being the shortest of the year (I know, we're crazy stupid). So therefore, I made some calls that were not thought through. We painted the entire suite, like a dark cream, or a light tan, which is a fantastic neutral, and I got lots of compliments on it. However, the color doesn't suite me, and our little space, well, as far as I'm concerned anyhow. Geoff could care less. He always just lets me decide. He says it matters WAY MORE to me, than him, anyhow. And thats true enough.
Anyways, back on track, I want to eventually get this whole place white! I know there a million reasons not to go white, but I have one really good reason to go white: I'll like it. And heres my problem. Of all the hurried decisons we had to make while builing and painting our suite this one was the worst:
Painting half a wall one color and the other half another. I KNOW I KNOW. But I wanted yellow in my kitchen and didnt know how to do it to a divided space. Looking BACK, I know exactly what I would of done, But we dont always have the luxury or knowing the future of our mistakes, do we? Well, I sure dont!
Ok, SO thats tomorrow, I have requested Ginny's help so thats tomorrow's project.
I was hoping for your help too. Nope, I dont need more painters, although, your welcome to help, but what I need is some advice. I'm not always a good person for knowing what would look perfect, where. Once and a little while, I can. But my living room always stumps me. Its an slightly odd layout and a basement suite. So windows arent always placed where they look best. SO, do you have any ideas what I can do or put on these walls to make it look not so broken up(bearing in mind, the color "divide" will be gone.
I was thinking the curtains maybe need to go, those pictures should be moved, but then I dont know how to make the couch lined up with things on the wall.. and yes, I need things lined up... well at least I think I do.., I'll give you a few pics of my living room and maybe you can help me... or even SAVE ME. Keep in mind too, I like all things old scuffed and white(mostly). If you want to email me with help, I'd love it. I want to head out to see what I can find to maybe help in here...
Wait till you see the rest of the things I wanna do around here.. but thats for another weekend..
This weekend I'm actually "white washing" some of my walls. When we first built our basement suite we did the majority of the reno's in under a month, that month being the shortest of the year (I know, we're crazy stupid). So therefore, I made some calls that were not thought through. We painted the entire suite, like a dark cream, or a light tan, which is a fantastic neutral, and I got lots of compliments on it. However, the color doesn't suite me, and our little space, well, as far as I'm concerned anyhow. Geoff could care less. He always just lets me decide. He says it matters WAY MORE to me, than him, anyhow. And thats true enough.
Anyways, back on track, I want to eventually get this whole place white! I know there a million reasons not to go white, but I have one really good reason to go white: I'll like it. And heres my problem. Of all the hurried decisons we had to make while builing and painting our suite this one was the worst:
My biggest mistake, well, design mistake, i suppose |
Painting half a wall one color and the other half another. I KNOW I KNOW. But I wanted yellow in my kitchen and didnt know how to do it to a divided space. Looking BACK, I know exactly what I would of done, But we dont always have the luxury or knowing the future of our mistakes, do we? Well, I sure dont!
Ok, SO thats tomorrow, I have requested Ginny's help so thats tomorrow's project.
I was hoping for your help too. Nope, I dont need more painters, although, your welcome to help, but what I need is some advice. I'm not always a good person for knowing what would look perfect, where. Once and a little while, I can. But my living room always stumps me. Its an slightly odd layout and a basement suite. So windows arent always placed where they look best. SO, do you have any ideas what I can do or put on these walls to make it look not so broken up(bearing in mind, the color "divide" will be gone.
I was thinking the curtains maybe need to go, those pictures should be moved, but then I dont know how to make the couch lined up with things on the wall.. and yes, I need things lined up... well at least I think I do.., I'll give you a few pics of my living room and maybe you can help me... or even SAVE ME. Keep in mind too, I like all things old scuffed and white(mostly). If you want to email me with help, I'd love it. I want to head out to see what I can find to maybe help in here...
This is where you'd walk in to the living room area |
the couch has to be placed here to see tv ok-ish, leaving the wall broke up weird |
no idea if I should be putting something between the tv and comp.. |
should the curatins go? |
I think I need to put those pictures else where.. and shold I put something up in between? the color divide is going.. |
more of the awkward layout |
Wait till you see the rest of the things I wanna do around here.. but thats for another weekend..
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