If you think back to the first year you were married (and if your not married, you remember this, cuz one day, you'll know)--Hardest year. I know that there will be some--some-- that will never admit to how hard the change can be. But, hard doesn't really even touch it. haha. If I remember correctly Geoff and I's biggest fight was over cheese. CHEESE. I wont drag it out too much (although, if we had it on tape, it would be worth the entertainment) but it went a little like this:
Me: Geoff wheres all the cheese?
Geoff: Oh I dunno.
Me: Well we just bought a block Friday, where did it go.
G: Oh I may have eaten it.
Me: Eaten it? In 4 days?
G: I dunno.
and so on... We didn't talk for 2 days... Just kidding(although it could of been possible)
That cheese fight, well, i hold it close to my heart. We have come along way. I have another great fight, but that's for another day.(but the wait will be worth it)
I think the hardest job in marriage--and life-- is communication. Geoff and I are both talkers, but thats not to say we cover what needs to be said. We can seriously have a 20 min. convo on TV characters(and we quite frequently do) But to talk about whats really bothering, whats really on your mind, well thats a tough job. If your anything like me(and lets hope your not) You know there are things to be said, but to get into it feels draining. So I always think- I'll bring this up later. Later turns to never and never turns into "Geoff, wheres the stinkin cheese.." And this is 6 years of marriage.. haha
But if we all could communicate just a little bit better, we feel ALOT better and maybe we wouldn't hurt alone.. Maybe we could see past the hurt. To my friends who are hurting- To say things out loud can go along way. Just make sure your saying them to the right person. And leave out the cheese.
Congratulations Katie, 6 years is a huge feat especially in this era we live in where it is so so much easier to call it quits than tough it out and fight for whats worth fighting for. I agree with you, England and I had the toughest year of our lives in our first year of marriage, but we stuck through it and our fights get fewer and farther between, and like you and Geoff...we do a lot of Phineas and Ferb watching!