In the last few weeks around our little home, Spring has begun. Not in the weather, of course, we live in Alberta after all, but in the cleaning department and getting things done. I love it and hate it equally. We all know I get some sick satisfaction out of cleaning. But My other huge problem is having no balance. Start five different projects at once, finishing none, living in disorganized chaos, and ultimately feeling over whelmed. Every. Single. Spring.
It hasn't all been a write off, I have finished a few little cleaning up/gutting out projects, but all at the same time adding to my list. No Balance. But I also find at this time, I'm lacking all the good things the sun provides and I'm in desperate need of a pick me up. Keeping myself busy, keeps my mind busy and there is a certain reassurance about that. At least for me.
But that's what I've been up too, I'm hoping in the next week or so to be done a couple major projects, that I can share with you. I also have a wedding and a trip coming up. Like I said busy. And exhausted, but Lots to share in the very near future:)