Dear Tousin,
How many times can I say that I miss you before it seems insincere. I'd Love to say I'll finally see you soon, but I don't think that would be very accurate. The way our days go, and then our weeks- Our years pass us by and its so hard to fit things in- Be they as sweet as you. But one day, We'll be together. Referencing dumb movies and making Jokes about our families. Haha.
It was good, however, to hear your voice the other day. It has a funny way of bringing me back to the basics. You know what I mean? Summer days, Hot air balloons, and shampooing our hair in the rain. I think I need that. Your that permanent friend, because of blood, but a little because of your charms.
I wish I had good words of wisdom for you this week, but I'm a little afraid I haven't got it all figured out myself. A few months had went by and I was fooled into thinking I had life a little figured out. I was wrong, sadly. What I had was a moment, when I look back. But It was a good moment. Sigh. Haha. The more I learn the less I know. I can offer you what few gems I've discovered in the last few months, but with it comes a million new questions that I think have no answers to. Or maybe I do, I just need more time.
I'll tell you this... Life will surprise you. You will only know how your going to handle them until after an you get a few breaths to figure out just what happened. Brace for the problems. That way you'll end up on your feet. But, in case your caught off guard and you get knocked off your feet, Reach for the first hand that helps you up. They might help you in the most unexpected way. Or the most obvious way. You don't know, but let them help you.
There will be a million reasons to be sad a day. Satan will see to that. But there may only be one reason to happy. Jehovah will take care of that. Take it. Hold on to it. Repeat it. Do what it takes to get to tomorrow. Because there will be tomorrow. Appreciate what you do have. There are people who haven't got what we do.
Your gonna feel forgotten. Its not you. Its not true. Its not because your alone. It happens to me. It happens to the popular and the famous. It wont last. But I might feel like it will. Your best bet is to call someone. Or sleep it off. I don't know, but I do know, It wont last.
That might help and it might not. Nothing I say is fact. And it might sound ridiculous. It might very well be ridiculous. But its all I got. Its gonna have to do.
I miss you, I know that to be true. And I love you.