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Missing: One adorable, well behaved baby girl... |
First off, still no computer- Don't ask. And I Do post from my eye phone, but it really isn't Ideal. It feels impossible. Also summer is just busy, right? And we have recently lost our sweet little lady (mm, lets call her, Terrible Two, shall we?) and found a new "adventure"... Crayola doesn't wipe off walls as good as you'd like to think.. let me just tell you... Thank you Norwex, you saved the day.
So anyway, I already devoted too much time to that. Looking back over my older posts, I had big plans for "little" renos, but they are just getting no where for now. Bits here and there but nothing worth showing you guys. And i do believe I added to that list. Thank you terrible two, we will replace that carpet as soon as we possible can. Sigh...:)
ANYWHO, The last couple of weeks, I have been trying to get my self back on track, therefore, getting my little family on track with me. After receiving so much bad news, and sorting out a few set backs, it seemed I was coming to a crashing halt. Tiredness reached a new high. Stress levels where just disgusting and well, my red head temper flared. So after much talk with a good friend and then also Geoff, they both had the same idea: What I needed in my life was a schedule. A normal, Basic schedule. Now at first hearing this, I immediately hated the idea. 1) I thought I had somewhat of a schedule. ie- Laundry at the beginning of the week, groceries at the beginning of the week, maybe more laundry... more groceries, maybe a coffee visit...oh.. wait... And 2) the idea of a actually real grown up schedule made be feel claustrophobic. Even, maybe, more depressed?!
But advice is best when you have a little time to think about it. And I did. With the help of Geoff. He put it like this... Lots of the time, what gets me through a day is the thought of something good ahead of me. Like, a vacation, a movie date, and the like. So I schedule for a person like me, would be just like that in a sense. Knowing what comes next. Know something comes after the this. Knowing that things wont just stop . Leaving me less time to think and work myself up. Why hadn't I thought of that... Why was my friend so smart, Why didn't Geoff think of this sooner? Hah, just kidding. But where on earth would I be without them?
So That was just over a week ago, and let me tell you, its helping. Have I been cured of all moodiness? No... But I think there is a difference and that's all I was really hoping for.. So far, what have I done? My biggest thing? A meal plan for the week. Huge geek? Why yes I am, thank you for noticing. But seriously. On Sunday nights, I make up a seven day meal plan and a Grocery list. On Monday, (besides cleaning and such) I go out and get the groceries. When supper time rolls around, I know exactly what I'm doing and truthfully? I look forward to it a bit. (not to mention I have found a few great recipes) Another perk.. Grace Geoff and I always get leftovers for lunch. Another thing I don't have to think about.
It seems probably pretty small thing, but I bet if you tried it, you like it. You'd definitely see the difference. But I guess it gets me through a day. Maybe something different works for you. But being willing to try is HUGE. The hardest part, motivating yourself when your already tired. but once that ball is rolling...