To all my friends who don't have kids, who are married, or other wise,
Parents don't want to look crazy. We don't want to look flustered. We don't choose the bags under our eyes. We don't encourage temper tantrums. And we definitely don't like dragging our kids kicking and screaming into the bank. But we do it.
Last night at my meeting, I kinda thought, we'll enjoy this show people, cuz the next one, we're gonna make you pay. Haha. As Grace shrill screamed her way to the bathroom I thought, if I cry too, who will help me. Just kidding. At the bank, when Grace grabbed a couple cookies, then threw em on the ground, I thought, yup, I'm the parent who lets her kid run allover her at a young age.
Put me on reality TV and make a few on me.
I have lots of friends who don't want kids. They got other things they want to do with their lives. I don't mind that. We all make our choices. If you know what you want outta this life,
don't settle for anything less, right? But I cant help and wonder if those people see me with my Baby and are like, Sure its hard, but she chose that. And while there is truth to that, we didn't choose crazy.
Crazy has a funny way of choosing us, doesn't it?
When I thought about having our babies, I romanticized it. And trust me, there are so many great things about being a parent,
especially being Gracie's parent. I remember on the drive home from the hospital, looking at Geoff and saying, How can I only just met her yet can't imagine a world without her. She was exactly the baby we wanted. How did she know? Full set of hair. Check. Big round eyes? Check! Sweet disposition? Check. She was a perfect fit for a family. For the first few weeks I had her, I would get so overwhelmed because I knew in this world there are lots of things that she could be disappointed by.
I know that sounds mushy, But when they are so defenseless and so..YOURS, you want to protect them from EVERYTHING.
But here I am 19 months later, and I'm wondering
who's gonna protect us for the temper tantrums and public humiliation. Haha. And this is only the start. I wonder what 16 year old Grace will be like. Oi!
Like I say, Parents don't choose crazy. We choose
sweet little noses, tiny little toes' and hands that can only wrap around one of our fingers. But If crazy comes with it, I'll take it. Its a pretty good trade off. No, its a GREAT trade off...