Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peep toes on baby toes

Last night, while I was getting ready for bed, I wondered what my 2nd post should be about. I had more than a few ideas... None that were great but than I thought, Maybe Not GrEaT, but definitely worth a thought...

Last Night at our meeting, it was the last prayer for the night. I can never help but think, "yes!! we made it through another meeting". When you have busy toddler, I think any time you have to keep them quiet for 2 hours is worthy of praise. Pat myself on MY back. Good job guys! You did it. Just barely, but at this point, it really doesn't matter how you got to the end, you just did.

Anyhow, back to my original thought, It was the last prayer, I (being a hippy at heart) had kicked of my shoes, Grace standing between Geoff and I. She discovered my heels. I watched as she struggled into my baby pink peep toe heels. And her face Lit up. I thought, hey kidlet, I know that feeling. I couldn't help thinking about a certain Pair of heels my Mamma owned. I remember digging into the depths of my moms closet and coming across a pair of heels and slipping my too small feet into them. Sigh. When were my feet going to fill these Bright yellow stilleletos? Not soon enough, I was sure. For now kleenex stuffing into the toes could be a quick fix.

My next thought was, When did my feet start filling my Mom's shoes? How did that happen? I wasn't really ever going to be big enough for that. But here I am, with feet almost exactly the same size of my mothers. HOLY COW! How exciting. HA HA. Finally! If only I could of know what came with filling out my moms shoes. Yes, I obviously mean that in more ways than one. Not only can I wear mom's shoes but I can pay bills, drive in snow storms, clean my own place, wash my own laundry, and cook my own family meals. Wait a second. The label on the shoes didn't say anything about that. They just didn't. Hmmm. Was that why my mother kept me in flats for as long as she could. Smart lady, that one.

I thought that when my feet feet could fill those shoes, I Could stay out late. Go one dates. Eat at restaurants every night. Sleep over at Stephanie's WHENEVER I wanted. Ha ha.
And to a certain point, I was absolutely right. But I didn't know staying out late wasn't much fun, when you need to get up early for work. Going on dates was full of nerves. Eating at restaurants every night costs monies and calories. And I for sure never thought my best friend Stephanie would live 5000 miles away from me.

Yes, to anyone who may haven't witnessed Gracie's little feet slipping into my shoes, could never imagined what that made me think of. But that night i couldn't help but smile...

So today, as I clean up, wash up and get Grace and I ready for the day, I think only 2 things...
Good thing Grace will never be big enough to fill my shoes, and

Where on earth did those Yellow Stilettos go?


  1. I love your view on things. So far- awesome blog !

  2. i love it. and now want a pair of yellow stilettos.

    look at my tousin. your a pretty big deal.

  3. aw. i love you.

    thats a little weird, i know.
